76 mph on the West Seattle Bridge, 55 mph on Admiral Way…

Seattle Police are updating their campaign against “aggressive driving” almost every day on SPD Blotter. The latest update includes several West Seattle spots – highlighted by five tickets for 70 mph or higher on the bridge. They also mention Admiral Way and SW Henderson. Here’s their roundup.

22 Replies to "76 mph on the West Seattle Bridge, 55 mph on Admiral Way..."

  • k2 March 30, 2011 (8:17 am)

    what about delridge or 26th ave? seriously between the drug dealers and kids it’s like a race track

  • Jason March 30, 2011 (8:47 am)


    How many times have you seen a Metro Bus run a red light in West Seattle? Talk about agressive driving. I used to drive a school bus, so I know that they can stop at the light. Their schedules force them to drive agressively. It would be interesting to see a study of how many times a particular light is run.

  • Saddened March 30, 2011 (8:50 am)

    How about I-35!!! Another over 60 MPH zooming past me this am at 6:45!!!! Sheesh!!!!

  • BAU March 30, 2011 (9:38 am)

    Awesome! Thank you SPD!

  • birdgeek March 30, 2011 (10:05 am)

    freaking awesome. keep it up!

  • Bill Brewer March 30, 2011 (10:13 am)

    Try driving the posted speed limit on the West Seattle Bridge and you’ll be blocking traffic and experiencing the horns (and manual gestures) of the motorists behind you. Why not raise the posted speed limit to reflect the engineering specifications of the bridge and contemporary driving standards. This is nothing more than revenue generation.

  • Matthew March 30, 2011 (10:28 am)

    people don’t care aobut there driving becasue of there damn cell phones and it is starting to piss me off and seeing that cars don’t even let people walk though the crosswalk anymore is even more irritating to me

  • sarelly March 30, 2011 (10:43 am)

    I’d like to see more watching of 35th Ave SW, where we’ve been nearly rear-ended by tailgaters a number of times because we wanted to make a left turn – gave plenty of time to signal our intentions and people still climb up our tails and don’t slow down. The main arterials such as 35th and Delridge tend to present problems.

  • HelperMonkey March 30, 2011 (12:03 pm)

    I went over the West Seattle Bridge today, taking special care to do the speed limit. Everyone was tailgating me and eventually blowing past me doing 50+. I just can’t afford to get a speeding ticket – but I didn’t see any patrols on the bridge today.

  • AJL March 30, 2011 (12:53 pm)

    I drive over the bridge at the speed limit. And all those people who are going too fast and causing a dangerous situation by driving too aggressively? I ignore them. And then I usually catch up to them at the next light.

  • seattle transplant March 30, 2011 (1:04 pm)

    ho hum, great, our public servants are out generating revenue while this site reports crime nearly every day that goes unsolved. I am of the opinion that our Police priorities are driven not by what is “best” for the community, but rather agendas that will generate revenue and provide sensational news clips to keep everyone believing they are doing a fantastic job…Tell me when you catch some burglers in my neighborhood.

  • M March 30, 2011 (1:22 pm)

    I agree transplant – but it’s much more fun and lucrative for the city to sit in fancy dodge cars then chase after real crime – like the guy who ripped off my garage

  • dailycommuter March 30, 2011 (1:32 pm)

    Please, SPD, please, just be at 35th & Avalon at 4 PM any weekday and ticket the First Student school bus driver who backs up traffic all the way back to Fauntleroy while he/she waits in the intersection to make a prohibited left turn onto Avalon. This is stupid, dangerous behavior. You West Seattle parents who depend on school buses to transport your kids, did you know your child might be in the care of someone so unconcerned about traffic laws and safety?

  • jiggers March 30, 2011 (2:45 pm)

    90mph has a better ring to it.:)

  • twobottles March 30, 2011 (4:25 pm)

    I always have to laugh at the posts that claim this is just a way to generate revenue. Keep in mind that contributing to this revenue stream is strictly voluntary.

  • WS Lifer March 30, 2011 (4:42 pm)

    Twobottles. Right on!!!

    First of all, screw the aggressive AH who drive on the bridge. Everyone needs to drive the posted limit. It’s NOT a freeway, it’s an arterial road that has limited speed.. SPD needs to have more than one officer on the bridge clocking speeders. 35th is a death trap. Speeders AND illigal turns across double yellow lines have caused more than one death and several crashes on this road. Yes people, you can ONLY turnwheeee there are line gaps; turning
    left off 35th into Walgreens is illigal.

  • twobottles March 30, 2011 (5:00 pm)

    People can always sense a power vacuum. Just look at how quickly an abandoned home or business gets tagged. If the SPD stopped enforcing speed limits, we would soon have people routinely driving 50-60 down Admiral and 70-80 over the bridge, with a resultant increase in traffic accidents, injuries and deaths. And all these people currently clamoring for the SPD to concentrate on “real crimes” would just as quickly be clamoring for them to make our streets safer.

    This ongoing discussion always reminds me of an old George Carlin bit: “Did you ever notice, everyone going slower than you is an IDIOT, and everyone going faster than you is a MANIAC?”

  • NotMe March 30, 2011 (5:07 pm)

    twobottles is right – this is not a revenue generator. For those “experts” on driving conditions and engineering, try your logic with the cop that pulls you over. That officer deserves a good laugh.
    Just do the speed limit and stop contributing to the city. Besides, they will only waste your money building a tunnel, right?

  • Ben Dover March 30, 2011 (6:57 pm)

    Amen on the bus comment Jason.

    I see a lot of comments about speed on 35th. I agree people speed on 35th too often but just wanted to let people know the police targeted speeding on 35th about 6 months ago (covered on the wsb). I guess they have moved on to Admiral and the bridge these past few months. Maybe time for the police to head back to 35th. I wish they would catch speeders and wreckless driving on arterials like Charlestown ST .. there was recently another horrible crash on the hill.

    So much action in WS, one could sell tickets to “tha show” :) Cheers!

  • dlc March 30, 2011 (7:01 pm)

    I still think SPD takes the easy places to catch speeders. I am at Lafayette everyday when school lets out. Every single day parents double park and hold up traffic and let their kids run into the street to get in the car. And parents jay walk across the street with their child literally making cars stop for them. But SPD has never been there because they would catch maybe 3 violators instead of 10 speeding on Admiral Way.

  • Todd March 30, 2011 (11:18 pm)

    2 car/ped. collisions in the same crosswalk within 1 year near Lafayette as well. The last one was quite serious as I am sure you all read on here.

  • MAS March 31, 2011 (12:02 pm)

    WS Lifer – While I can sympathize with you on the left turn stuff, it’s NOT illegal to turn left across a double yellow according to Seattle Municipal code. It IS illegal to do so (double yellow or not) if you would impede traffic in either direction (which the folks turning into Walgreens do…)

    SMC 11.55.140

    Left turns between intersections — Limitations.

    No person shall make a left turn between intersections on any street when such left turn delays or stops any vehicle traveling in the same or the opposite direction on the street, or when such left turn endangers or is likely to endanger any person or vehicle on the street, provided that if traffic conditions are such that the delayed or stopped vehicles could have safely passed the left turning vehicle on the right without stopping or being delayed such left turns are permitted.

    Read here regarding SDOT’s answer to the double yellow line question (pointed out to me my my sister-in-law, thanks!)


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