West Seattle Whale Watch: Orcas in the area again

4:12 PM: Local whale experts have spotted the orcas off West Seattle again – Fauntleroy and heading north within the past hour – so if you’re by the water, keep an eye out.

4:28 PM: A caller just mentioned that there’s a NOAA research boat in the area of the whales – so if you’re looking for them, look for that boat.

6 Replies to "West Seattle Whale Watch: Orcas in the area again"

  • J February 9, 2011 (4:19 pm)

    They have moved around the Vashon area quite a bit this afternoon. They are now up in the ferry lane area, moving north. Find the research boat and you’ll find the Orca.

  • Ellie February 9, 2011 (5:59 pm)

    Two Orca just went by the north end of Beach Drive by the park and are now passing the point. It is getting pretty dark but it appears they may be turning toward Alki.

  • dq February 9, 2011 (6:04 pm)

    Thanks to this post, we’ve been looking out the window all afternoon and about 20 minutes ago were awed by two Oras slowly heading north. (We live near La Rustica.)

    • WSB February 9, 2011 (6:06 pm)

      I’m glad you saw them!!! I drove down to the water yet again and didn’t. I need to get the binoculars the ace whale-watchers have, the ones the size of twin megaphones :) – TR

  • Lori W. February 9, 2011 (7:13 pm)

    TR – binoculars weren’t necessary this evening. They were really close to shore as they rounded Alki Point. We onlookers could even hear their blows. I watched them first from just south of the lighthouse from about 5:30-6:00. There were about 6 of them traveling north in a tight group. Even saw a spyhop! Then I moved around to the north side of the lighthouse and watched until it just got too dark and some were moving a little farther out. It did seem a couple, though, headed toward Elliott Bay again. I went over to Harbor Ave but couldn’t pick them up. So sorry you missed them. Hang in there! It will happen for you.

    • WSB February 9, 2011 (7:16 pm)

      Once again, sigh, I left too soon. I drove past the group at Me-Kwa-Mooks around 5-something, kept looking out toward the water, saw nothing, finally had to go home to have dinner before going to the Meeting of the Night…

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