West Seattle Elementary School is in the middle of the first year of its mandated improvement plan – and new principal Vicki Sacco tells WSB there are encouraging signs, but they need a bit of help. First, her update on the progress:
The winter MAP assessment results came back and our school is soaring! Data in both math and reading have exceeded expectations and typical student growth for every grade level.
We recently visited WSES and will be reporting on some of the ways they’re evolving. But one thing they desperately need for those inspired young learners – more books:
We’ve spent over $20,000 of Title I funds to purchase classroom libraries this year and our students are devouring the books. To maintain this momentum we need more books for our students.
What kind? “Any and all appropriate books for elementary aged students would be welcomed. In particular we need biographies, chapter books and early learning books. Our older students (4th and 5th grades) enjoy non-fiction books as well.” If you have books to donate, call the school literacy coach, Brenda Ball, at 206-252-9450. Or drop them off (next week is midwinter break, so you’d likely have to wait till a week from Monday) at the front office (6760 34th SW).