Twelve summaries this week – click ahead:
By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog
It’s been a busy week for real-time coverage, so this week’s WSBeat publication is a bit delayed. But there are still a few things to share from reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers:
*A principal confiscated an antique-style single-shot muzzle loader gun from a student at a local elementary school last week. By the time officers arrived, the ten-year-old was crying. He said that he and his grandpa had built the gun together. He knew that he shouldn’t have brought the gun to school but said that he doesn’t have many friends and wanted people to like him.
*Around 3 p.m. Thursday–upset about teachers parking in front of his home–a resident used his car to block the entrance to the nearby elementary school. When a staff member put a note on the car asking the driver (they didn’t know who the car belonged to) to not park there, the suspect came out of his house in a confrontational stance and began screaming profanities, including, “You want a war? I’ll give you a war!” Officers spoke with the man who, when confronted with his behavior, appeared to start to cry and said, “I’ll get my lawyers.” The staff member has been advised to obtain a civil anti-harassment order.
*A group of women (all with newborn babies) flagged down an officer around 3 on Thursday after being followed by a 59-year-old local man along a footpath near the water at Lincoln Park. He stopped when they stopped; they changed footpaths — so did he. Seeing the officer, the suspect walked away quickly, yelling, “It’s their word against mine!” The officer identified the man and ran a computer check. He explained the recent problems at the park and told the man to stay out of the park for several days and to refrain from any illegal behavior — including following or harassing women—if and when he did return.
*Thursday afternoon, on the pedestrian path in the 1700 block of Harbor Ave., a passing stranger turned and grabbed a jogger’s rear end. An area check for the grabber was unsuccessful. He was a white male, aged 22-29, slim, with brown hair and facial stubble. He word a red hat, red shirt, denim pants, and a hooded Carhartt jacket.
*An elderly Admiral resident has been receiving repeat phone calls over several months encouraging her to send several thousands of dollars to some individuals so that she can claim several million dollars in alleged “prizes.” The callers keep her on the line (a common attempt to “befriend” the would-be victim) and always end the conversation with a request for personal information such as Social Security numbers and credit card numbers. She has been advised to hang up, but only after warning the scam artists that police have been notified
*Monday afternoon around three, officers responded to a nuisance call under the bridge where Admiral Way crosses Fairmount Canyon. A 24-year-old at the scene was identified and turned out to be wanted on a no-bail felony Department of Corrections warrant from Olympia for escape from community custody and for failing to register as a sex offender. He was booked into King County Jail.
*After a short chase Wednesday afternoon, a security employee from an Alaska Junction grocery stopped a shoplifter who ran when told police would be called. An ID check showed that the 38-year-old Tukwila resident was wanted on a $1,000 King County felony warrant for having controlled substances without a prescription and an $1,100 Tukwila misdemeanor warrant for failure to appear on a third-degree theft charge. He was booked into the King County Jail. His possessions were placed into evidence: eight silver coins (four were from the 1800’s), a yellow-colored metal pocket watch, and five vials of what appeared to be gold flake. (All this for two boxes of bandages worth $4.36.)
*Sunday afternoon around 1, citizens reported a reckless man on a bicycle in the area of SW Olson Pl. and Myers Way. Officers arriving at the bottom of the hill noticed the man pushing the bike up the steep incline. But when the suicidal (according to his father) 19-year-old spotted the patrol car, he mounted his bike and headed straight for it, yelling “Watch this” as he flew down the hill with his hands behind his back, swerving into traffic and causing a number of cars to veer out of the way. He was last seen traveling southbound on Highway 509.
*Keeping it in the family. Officers were familiar with the High Point-area apartment where they were dispatched late Wednesday to deal with an argument/disturbance. Two women and a man were inside, and an identity check showed that Woman One had a protection order against the man. The man said he was aware of the order but insisted that the woman at the scene was not the one who filed the order. Twenty minutes later, he was proven right: Woman One had repeatedly lied about her identity—despite the fact that it would have falsely landed the man in jail for violating the order (which had been filed by her sister.) Woman One ended up being arrested for an outstanding warrant and for false reporting. Woman Two — a different sister —was arrested on an outstanding $15,000 warrant for DUI.
*Early Friday, near 47th and Juneau, a loud radio attracted the attention of a citizen who watched the driver of the noisy SUV reach out and smash the window of a car. The suspects drove off, but officers who stayed nearby later spotted it returning to the scene of the crime (an apparently common practice among car prowlers who hope to have more time to ransack an already targeted vehicle). Realizing they had been spotted, the pair sped away but were stopped in the 4400 block of SW Holly. The interior of the SUV was littered with shattered glass and contained tools often used by car prowlers. It was impounded. The driver (well-known to officers) was booked into King County Jail for investigation of property destruction, vehicle prowl, theft, and unlawful use of a weapon (a knife with a 4-inch blade). His juvenile companion was interviewed and released from the precinct.
*Friday morning, a man reported that an apparently thirsty thief had stolen a case of chocolate milk from his garage refrigerator in the 3400 block of 49th SW.
*Home, Jeeves! At 2:45 Sunday morning, officers were dispatched to the Admiral-area, where — much to the surprise of the startled driver — a stranger had climbed into the bed of her pickup truck while she waited for her order at a fast-food drive-thru window. After being pulled from the truck by a passerby, the would-be passenger made suicidal threats to officers, who had him transported to Harborview for a mental health exam.
WSB Editor’s Note: The WSBeat has an archive category of its own, though we’re still linking the weekly reports on the WSB Crime Watch page, so you can catch it there if you miss it in the main news stream. We also continue to publish crime reports the rest of the week, when we get tips or hear noteworthy incidents via the scanner, so don’t be shy about letting us know when you see/hear something happening.