Delridge Skatepark update: Grindline’s bid passes city review

West Seattle-based Grindline, which (as a subcontractor) created the design (above) for Delridge Skatepark, is one step closer to building it. A week and a half after the word that Grindline had submitted the “apparent low bid” in the second round of bidding (here’s backstory on the 1st round), project manager Kelly Davidson has an update this morning: “The formal Request to Award to Grindline has been submitted to City Contracting. This means that Parks has reviewed and approved all pre-qualifications and we will move forward with contracting and bonding. This process can take 2-4 weeks.” Once the bid is awarded, then a date will be set for construction to start. The city says Grindline’s bid was $483,000 (almost $20,000 lower than its bid in the 1st round).

5 Replies to "Delridge Skatepark update: Grindline's bid passes city review"

  • Brandon February 11, 2011 (3:17 pm)

    Good, I am glad that they won the contract. The park should be awesome can’t wait

  • Pete February 11, 2011 (9:08 pm)

    Now let us move forward and finally build this park. There have been a lot of ups and downs. so many folks in this community have demonstrated there ongoing support for this project. I can’t wait for the grand opening of this new Delridge community asset.

  • foy-boy February 12, 2011 (9:10 am)

    No money for what is realy needed in westseattle like a park and ride. But the city has enough money for toys.

  • Bob February 12, 2011 (3:00 pm)

    The Money for Parks like this are a part of the parks levy that the voters passed, it comes out of it’s own fund. Park and Ride Money would have to come from somewhere else since it is not a Park therefor disqualifies the city from using the Parks levy money to build it or anyything that is not a park. I would suggest that you take the bus closest to your house so you don’t have to worry about where to park your car, it is at your house.

  • Mike Roberts February 12, 2011 (3:06 pm)

    THANK GOD!!!! I cant wait to get some grinds on that pool couping…. If this park is anything like the Muckleshoot park, Local skaters will be in for an amazing ride….. Congrats GRINDLINE!!!!

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