What’s in the West Seattle Triangle’s future? Find out February 7th

For months, city staffers and community advisory-group members have worked on a look ahead to the future of The Triangle, as part of the area starts to redevelop – with Link almost complete, Seattle West Inn and Suites slated for major remodeling, and new businesses opening in the area. The date has just been set for your chance to come see and comment on what the city describes as “the proposed street design concept plan and land use concepts” – a community open house is planned for 6-8 pm Monday, February 7, at the Senior Center of West Seattle. Get a sneak peek on the Triangle planning-process webpage.

1 Reply to "What's in the West Seattle Triangle's future? Find out February 7th"

  • Mary January 10, 2011 (10:38 am)

    I know this area has its share of controvery, but I think DPD has done an admirable job bringing people together to talk constructively about the future. It is tempting to react with fear about change, so I hope the positive community dialogue will continue!

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