The Admiral District space that Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor, now in The Junction) vacated at 2210 California SW didn’t stay empty for long. Meet Monica Skov (and daughter) – Monica is going to open a fabric store there, something West Seattle has been without since Hancock Fabrics closed two years ago to make way for the now-tied-up-in-lawsuits 39th/Alaska development. Monica tells WSB that her store, West Seattle Fabric Company, will carry fabrics and notions like thread and needles. While the notions will be fairly basic, she’s planning on a variety of fabrics including special vintage-inspired fabric and brands such as Amy Butler/FreeSpirit, Michael Miller, Kona Cotton/Robert Kaufman. She also hopes to eventually have classes for people who are new to sewing, and quilting groups. She’s expecting to open the shop within the next two months – as you can guess from the photo, remodeling is under way now.
West Seattle, Washington
17 Tuesday