West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
First, we received this West Seattle Crime Watch report e-mailed by Melody:
Our neighbor on 13th Ave SW has his car stolen sometime on Sunday evening. It was found on 11th Ave SW in good shape– and nothing went missing. The cops said this was the 7th car in the last week to have been stolen within a 4-block radius of 13th and Henderson.
I just think it’s important to note that 7 cars have been stolen within a 4-block radius in Highland Park…
To verify that, we checked the online-police-report system, which doesn’t always have details but at least have a record of the block and crime type. Here’s what we found in that general vicinity – not sure if it’s within that “4-block radius” since we don’t have the block number of the 13th SW theft, though – the theft of Melody’s neighbor’s car is not in the publicly viewable system yet:
Sep 5 2010 10:00PM – VEHICLE THEFT – 90XX BLOCK OF 13TH AVE SW
Sep 5 2010 10:00PM – VEHICLE THEFT – 88XX BLOCK OF 10TH AVE SW
Southwest Precinct leadership confirmed two weeks ago that there’s been an increase in auto theft lately (as we reported here). And we’ll get our next update on local crime trends a week from tonight, when the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council resumes monthly meetings after a 2-month summer hiatus – 7 pm Tuesday, Sept. 21, at the SW Precinct meeting room.
Haven’t had dinner yet? Like Mexican food? New option – West Seattle’s second taco truck has arrived (the first one is El Rey Del Taco, which has been north of Home Depot for more than 2 years). Thanks to Brent for the tip – Taqueria Contreras is now open outside the Super 24 at 5455 Delridge Way. It’s along the north side of the store, and even if you are driving south, it’s not easy to see – but you can park on the south or west sides of the store. They say they’re open 10 am-10 pm, seven days a week, and this is their first week; according to the business-card-size menu they gave us, their offerings include:
Tacos $1.25
Burrito $5.50
Torta $6.50
Quesadilla $5.50
Mulitas $2
Sopitos $2.50
Alambres $8.99
Enchiladas $7.99
Burrito Mojado $7.99Special #1 – 5 tacos, 1 can soda $6.75; special #2, 1 burrito, 1 taco, 1 can soda, $6.75
Their list of meats: Beef, pork, barbecue pork, chicken, beef tongue, beef cheeks. You can call in advance for a to-go order, 206-391-7608.
This afternoon, Westside School‘s head of school Jo Ann Yockey led a joyful ribboncutting ceremony outside Westside’s new campus – the old EC Hughes Elementary in Sunrise Heights – just before hundreds of students and parents streamed in to get a look at the spruced-up classrooms and other facilities, the night before classes begin. Their tour guides were incoming 5th graders, who’ll be the new campus’s first “graduating class”:
Inside the school, which has been vacant for 2 school years, since South Lake High School used it as a temporary campus, cheerily labeled classrooms beckoned:
In one of those classrooms, a friendly, furry face drew attention:
Fresh paint and polish made the school’s classic features gleam – including the auditorium/cafeteria space:
Westside families and staffers followed their tours with a celebration on the playground, where two of Seattle’s famous street-food vendors were catering: Molly Moon Ice Cream and Dante’s Inferno Dogs. Earlier in the day, by the way, the neighbors from Fire Station 37 (whose own new location will open soon) had stopped by to help put up a sign over the front door:
Thanks to Westside’s David Bergler for that photo (our video and other photos are by WSB staff). He says Westside will have 235 students, preschool through 5th, when classes begin tomorrow morning. It’s only been five months since the school announced (as first reported here) it would lease the Hughes campus – which has room for Westside to grow, unlike its former home on 28th SW south of Roxbury, where some of its students had long been in portables.
Charges are now filed against the two men who’ve been jailed in lieu of $1 million bail in connection with the Aug. 26th “home invasion” robbery in Highland Park. 45-year-old Sean Oie and 37-year-old George Augustine, Jr., are each charged with one count of 1st-degree burglary and one count of 1st-degree robbery. On first quick read, the story told in the court documents, regarding what happened and who did what, is the same one we published when Augustine appeared in court; the only additional detail is regarding additional possible suspects – as noted in the previous documents, Augustine claimed that the younger woman who was in the house at the time of the robbery helped set it up, and this set of documents explains that she is Oie’s ex-girlfriend. Still no indication of whether she’ll face charges, though, and the documents mention another potential suspect – besides Oie and his ex-girlfriend, Augustine claimed there was one other person involved, described only as a man “nicknamed Wiz.” Augustine also is the man shown in the bank surveillance photos that helped crack the case (at left; we don’t have a photo of Oie but will be seeking one) and as per another claim in the previous documents, prosecutors say this indeed, if resulting in a conviction, would be his “third strike.” Both suspects are due in court on September 20th to answer the charges. ADDED: State prison system’s photo of Augustine, for the record:
At least a few times a year, we hear about West Seattle businesses’ promotional A-boards being stolen – and it’s happened again. Christen Cottam from knows perfume, relatively new in The Junction, sent the photo:
My beautiful sandwich board was stolen … some time between when I closed the shop on Sunday at 5:00 and when I came in at 11:00 today. Courtney from Wallflower Framing made it for me, and I just got it a few weeks ago – it’s so beautiful!
For those who invariably bring it up every time one of these thefts happens, here’s the city code. Anyone who feels there’s an encroachment can report it, rather than resorting to theft.
Just eight weeks till the general election, and of course voting will start a lot sooner, because of the mail-in system. West Seattle ballots will include two races for major seats with no incumbents in the running, and tomorrow night, the 34th District Democrats are scheduled to decide who to endorse in one of those races. They’ve already endorsed State Sen. Joe McDermott for King County Council Position 8 (he and Diana Toledo are the candidates in the nonpartisan race), but their original endorsee in the 34th District State House Position 2 race, Marcee Stone, didn’t make it to the general, so they have to decide between Joe Fitzgibbon of Burien and Mike Heavey of West Seattle. While Heavey took himself out of the running for the pre-primary endorsement, he tells WSB today that he does plan to seek the 34th DDs’ endorsement tomorrow night. The meeting’s at 7 pm tomorrow (Wednesday), The Hall at Fauntleroy; the agenda says other endorsements TBD might be discussed as well.
ORIGINAL 11:23 AM REPORT: Since Seattle Police hadn’t released any new information since Saturday morning regarding Friday night’s shooting at an Alki home (original WSB coverage here; followup here), we checked first thing today with the SPD Media Unit. Sgt. Sean Whitcomb tells us some new details are likely to be available this afternoon – potentially, regarding the rifle police say the 59-year-old man pointed at them, and regarding the three officers who opened fire. Sgt. Whitcomb confirms the man – who was described in scanner traffic Friday night, before transport to the hospital, as having “one gunshot wound to the abdomen” – is still alive. We’ll publish a separate followup when we find out more.
3:30 PM: Just checked back with Sgt. Whitcomb, who says the SPD briefing on Friday’s shooting isn’t happening till tomorrow, so no new information will be forthcoming today.
(Ribboncutting video added over originally posted photo, as CSIHS PTSA president Amy Daly-Donovan and Friends of Sealth president Debbie Taylor call up participants)
ORIGINAL 10:21 AM REPORT: “It’s a great day!” enthused Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson moments ago, right after a ribboncutting celebration outside the renovated Chief Sealth International High School. Mayor Mike McGinn is here as are dozens of other dignitaries, plus students including the band (McGinn told them “You guys rocked it!”) and cheer squad (video of both added below).
11:12 AM UPDATE: Adding video, and more photos. Four Chief Sealth student leaders welcoming the crowd in four languages:
That’s student-body president Ressie Brown with the English version, junior class president Cecilia Silva in Chinese, student-body vice president Abubakar Dhubow in Somali, and student-body secretary Yesenia Barajas in Spanish. Sealth Principal John Boyd was joined by his soon-to-be-campus-sharing counterpart, Denny International Middle School Principal Jeff Clark (who didn’t wear his famous Denny Dolphins bright-blue suit, but was sporting blue shoes):
Clark confirms that his school will make their move right after this school year ends, so that summer classes and programs can be held in the new facility. More to come; speeches and performances wrapped up inside the Galleria just after 10:30.
Tours followed, though the visitors were reminded that it’s a working day for teachers and staff, with classes starting tomorrow. Read on for the official district announcement:Read More
(Thanks to Jazmin for sharing that photo taken Monday night from the higher elevations of 42nd SW)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: Ribboncuttings today at renovated Chief Sealth International High School (9:30 am) and the new location of Westside School (4 pm) … It’s the first day of school at Seattle Lutheran High School, Tilden School, and Hope Lutheran School … Pathfinder K-8 has its back to school barbecue tonight, 5 pm (Facebook invite here) … The Seattle Public Library system reopens today after its week-plus budget-cut shutdown, except for the West Seattle (Admiral) branch, where roof work is scheduled to continue till a planned reopening on Saturday … Southwest Pool reopens today after a maintenance closure … And a couple traffic/work-zone alerts: 3 weeks of pump station maintenance work starts at Lowman Beach this morning, and there’s an overnight closure alert for 4th Avenue South for the next week and a half, north of The Bridge – details here. Even more on the calendar!
Love to sing and wish you had somebody to sing with? Both the Endolyne Children’s Choir and Seattle Glee Clubs (adults) are welcoming new members as their new seasons start this month. Endolyne’s Encore (grades 3-5) and Advanced (6th-9th) groups start rehearsals this Thursday; the Debut (grades K-2) group starts next Tuesday (9/14). Endolyne practices at St. John the Baptist Church in Admiral – e-mail info@endolynechoir.org with questions and/or check out endolynechoir.org. Meantime, the Seattle Glee Clubs’ three groups are starting their new season, looking toward a choral concert in January: Tonight, the Seattle Metropolitan Glee Club women’s chorus has a season-opening potluck supper where prospective new members are welcome to come meet returnees – for more information, e-mail musical director John Gulhaugen at the_met@seattlegleeclubs.org, or leave a message at 206-260-7393; that’s also the number you can call to find out more about the 8-part vocal-jazz ensemble The Offbeats, which start their season with a retreat next Saturday; and the no-audition, male-and-female Prelude Glee Club starts weekly rehearsals next Monday – email director Jerry Halsey at prelude@seattlegleeclubs.org. All SGC groups practice at Luna Park ActivSpace.