West Seattle Triangle walking tour braves the elements

Covering tonight’s Feet Firstorganized Walk and Talk Tour of the West Seattle Triangle with Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, photojournalist Edgar Riebe of Captive Eye Media reports participants braved the weather to visit spots from West Seattle Rotary Viewpoint Park (above) to an inside look at the under-construction Link, below:

We’ll add Edgar’s video report on the tour later tonight. Meantime, the city-led Triangle Advisory Group meetings continue later this fall, according to information received by group members; the next meeting’s been set for October 27th, with a public open house planned on November 10th.

11:58 PM UPDATE: Here’s Edgar’s video report:

1 Reply to "West Seattle Triangle walking tour braves the elements"

  • Susan McLain September 1, 2010 (11:30 am)

    Yay Feet First! Great tour, and thank you for your work in West Seattle.

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