West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary loot includes van

(updated) Four West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share – starting with a burglary that included a van theft, and a request that you be on the lookout for the van. Read on:

From Sharon:

We would like to alert our West Seattle neighbors to a recent break in at our home at the west end of SW Othello St. Sometime during the day on Wed. 6-30-10, while we were away, someone removed a window screen and pulled out some weather stripping on a 2 year old double-hung-type window which allowed them to open the window despite the fact that the tabs in the frame to prevent raising them above a few inches were open (these windows were not as secure as we had hoped–we’ll lock them when we are away in the future).

They entered the house and took both of our computers (a fairly new Mac and an old Dell), a spotting scope, a new Canon Power Shot, (a) check book and debit card and the keys to the house and to our 2001 VW Eurovan (camping van) along with the van. When we returned home in the evening we notified the police who responed promptly and efficiently. Dectective Ballew (206 233-7836) is working to track the thieves through purchases they made in Tukwila using (a) debit.

In particular, we’d like to ask your help in finding our white 2001 VW Eurovan. It needed washing and has a crease on the driver’s side low behind the door. It also has an awning housing above the sliding door on the passenger side. The Washington plate number is 432 YB-. Sorry I don’t have any photos, they were in my computer. If you have any leads contact Detective Ballew at 206 233 7836. Reference SPD Incident # 10-222946.

From Lynne:

A bold prowler went through my car last night on 108th in Arbor Heights. I typically lock it but not last night. Thanks to WSB we leave no valuables in our car so nothing was taken. The change wasn’t even disturbed. The worst part however is that they/he/she is within a few feet of our home.

And from J:

There have been many car prowls lately in the Lincoln Park area. Nothing of value
has been taken but the glove compartments have been gone through. Came home from
work late one night and saw a guy on a bike in dark clothes with a hooded sweatshirt
trying to get into the neighbors’ car and when I drove up he took off into the park. Keep a lookout for this. I am pretty sure the trouble in our neighborhood is why the police sit in the north parking lot and watch across the street.

J says the area is between Austin and Elmgrove.

(added 8:13 pm) From GC:

Someone got into our car last night (Hill Street in the Admiral District) and hunted through the glove box, pulled out our registration and insurance information (but did not take it), looked through car repair receipts, and took the change out of the ashtray. Coincidentally, someone (the same someone?) left a hooded sweatshirt on the public stairs next to our house. If you’re missing your sweatshirt, come claim it. You might also have some answering to do.

No West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting this month, but as we mentioned the other night, Night Out – a chance to close off your street for a neighborhood-strengthening, crime-prevention-awareness-raising block party – is coming up August 3rd, and you can register here.

6 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary loot includes van"

  • HunterG July 5, 2010 (4:52 pm)

    I am pretty sure that the thieves responsible for the burglary by Lincoln Park and on Othello are working out of the Apartment building directly behind the 76 Station… almost certain. They robbed our place a couple times last month.

  • meg July 5, 2010 (5:51 pm)

    We were at a friend’s party last night in Belltown when our ’96 Subaru Outback was stolen, directly in front of their building on 2nd Ave. We last saw our car around 6:10pm last night when we locked it up and went inside. We discovered it missing a little before 11pm. The police have taken a report. There was nothing of value in the car, so it was likely taken for crime or transportation purposes. Even though it wasn’t stolen in W. Seattle, we are WS residents, and just in case it was driven here, we’d like to ask West Seattleites to call the cops if you see an older dark blue Subaru Outback, license plate 060-SVC. There’s a KUOW sticker on the back bumper along with a “Loki Fish” sticker. Thanks. We want our car back, if possible, and out of criminal hands.

  • lemers July 5, 2010 (6:32 pm)

    Sorry to hear about your break-in. Our home was also broken into on Wednesday at aprox 10 AM. We live on in Riverview just north of highland park. Alarm has already been installed by the nice guys at Freedom Systems!

  • WTF July 5, 2010 (10:01 pm)

    So sorry to hear this guys. My fear is that one of these times a thief will find a very pissed off owner and not make it out of the house…alive. Or worse, the other way around. PLEASE get to know your neighbors and don’t be embarassed or “afraid” to call 911. That’s what it’s for. Sorry again. We will keep our eyes peeled.

  • Nicole July 6, 2010 (9:25 am)

    like lynne above, our car was ransacked on the nite of july 4 in arbor heights (calif and 104). so was our neighbor’s. glove compartment and central console items everywhere, but nothing except a pair of sunglasses taken. good reminder about keeping our cars empty and locked!

  • Jon July 6, 2010 (10:04 am)

    Sometime overnight between July 4-5, I had my car rifled through outside our house on Othello, east of California. Had my hands full when I went in the house earlier in the day, and forgot to lock it. Have been following the advice of folks here and nothing of value in it. However, I never thought anyone would care about my 10-year-old lacrosse stick and a beat-up camp chair. Yet the thieves took those and every bit of paper in my glove box and console. Would love to get the stick back — red STX handle,leather stringing, older white head. A thoughtful person who said he lives north of Lincoln Park on Beach Drive delivered the papers back to my front porch yesterday after finding them near his home. I was gone when he stopped by and didn’t get to say thanks. But based on all that, maybe the theory that the thieves are operating out of the apartments near the 76 holds water.

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