Door-to-door alert – for a GOOD reason: Windermere food drive

Early warning: About 3,000 homes in West Seattle will get something special on their doorsteps next week, and it’s something that local Windermere Real Estate agents hope you will use. Next Wednesday (6/16), they will distribute bags for a food-donation drive that’s part of their annual Community Service Day; then next Friday (6/18), they will return to the 3,000 or so homes where they left bags, hoping to find them filled with nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank and White Center Food Bank. If you get one of the bags on your doorstep – point person Doug Baldwin says the volunteers will be hitting various neighborhoods – here’s the flyer you’ll find with it.

4 Replies to "Door-to-door alert - for a GOOD reason: Windermere food drive"

  • MAS June 11, 2010 (10:36 am)

    OK, it’s about time to start thinking of prohibiting people from leaving stuff on your property (excepting delivery companies) without permission. When it’s a McDonald’s bag, it’s littering (and prohibited by law) when it’s a a bag that they would like you to fill with food, or a religious tract or a warning that you’re in a high crime area – apparently that’s different.

    I don’t have anything against this food drive, but I’m getting really tired of asking friends to stop by the house every day that I’m traveling to clean out the crud showing I haven’t been home in a while. Of all people, you would think a Real Estate company would know better.

  • JimmyG June 11, 2010 (11:51 am)

    I feel the same way you do MAS.

    My donations to the WS Food Bank go direct to them, I don’t need Windermere leaving me a bag.

    I think I’ll put the 4 Yellow Pages I received on my front steps (and that I didn’t want) into the Windermere bag and leave it at their front door.

    If Windermere wants to collect food, advertise that they accept donations at their real estate offices, or at all of their open houses. Don’t hang a bag on my front door.

  • Doug B June 15, 2010 (9:18 am)

    MAS and JimmyG,

    I appreciate your concern and your comments. Believe me, we aren’t out to “litter” the neighborhood, just to do a little good for food banks that are suffering during this downturn.

    We are very concerned about keeping neighborhoods clean and free of clutter. If the bag is still there on Friday morning, it will be collected and brought back. Thanks again for your concern.

  • Doug Baldwin June 22, 2010 (9:34 am)

    A big THANK YOU to all in our community who participated in our food drive! We were able to collect over 1250 lbs of food to be donated to the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks! We are very proud to be part of our generous West Seattle community.
    Doug Baldwin – Branch Manager
    Windermere West Seattle

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