West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
(Photo by Evan Miglorie)
That’s Quin Hopkins, one of many Lafayette Elementary School students whose work was on display tonight during for a special school-wide Art Walk. Family, friends and neighbors thronged the Admiral District school to admire the creations:
(Photo courtesy Luckie)
It wasn’t all hangable work, either:
(Photo courtesy Luckie)
And if you missed tonight’s Art Walk – some of the work is on display in neighboring businesses, too!
(Photo by Evan Miglorie)
Performing arts were showcased at Lafayette tonight too, with performances by the choir and the Popcorns jump-rope team. And tomorrow, they’ll focus on writing, with Young Author’s Conference sessions. ADDED 1:21 AM: We have video of some of the onstage performances from Thursday night, courtesy of Edgar Riebe from Captive Eye Media:
First photo-enhanced coyote report in a while. It’s from K. Parsons in Gatewood:
… in broad day-light after cruising around our front yards on the 7100 block of 39th avenue SW between Myrtle and Orchard, this guy was sunning himself (or herself) in our neighbors’ backyard for about 15 minutes then loped through our back-yard. This pic was taken today about noon. They sure do help with the rodent population but take care of your cats and small dogs!
(Video added beneath original as-it-happened report)
ORIGINAL 7 PM REPORT: Via cameraphone, a couple early photos from the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse celebration, which you still have plenty of time to go join – it’s continuing till 8 pm. Above, the group that gathered to cut the ceremonial ribbon a short time ago; below, back from a few months on the East Coast, it’s former Mayor Greg Nickels, the West Seattleite whose administration was among those helping secure funding for the schoolhouse purchase:
The West Seattle Big Band is playing, and there are treats and tours – 9131 California SW (take SW Barton west and downhill from 35th, or head uphill from Wildwood through the Endolyne area east of the ferry dock), till 8 pm.
ADDED 10:35 PM: Video of the ribboncutting – Fauntleroy Community Service Agency‘s Kevin Wooley speaks first, joined by Dr. Jack Pierce (at center), founder of Fauntleroy Children’s Center, and Bruce Butterfield (right), president of Fauntleroy Community Association – keep watching till you see the jersey on the young spectator!
And the West Seattle Big Band (which is playing tomorrow night at the West Seattle High School All-School Reunion event), with lots of little ones on hand to dance:
Tonight’s celebration is in honor of the official completion of the FCSA’s purchase of the schoolhouse and some of the surrounding property from Seattle Public Schools, which closed this spring. But the purchase is just the start – the building needs a fair amount of work – and there’s also room for more tenants – so its next chapter has just begun.
Now, there are three declared candidates campaigning for King County Council District 8, the seat currently held by Councilmember Jan Drago — appointed to fill the vacancy after Dow Constantinewas elected County Executive, but not running to keep the job. The latest is West Seattleite Diana Toledo – read on for her announcement:Read More
We, and other media outlets, have asked for this for a long time – and Seattle Police say they’ve been working on it for a long time. Now SPD has just announced the system’s ready to go, and it’s available to everyone: Major police reports are available online – in the form they’ve been made available to the media on discs for the past few years, with names/full addresses redacted (blacked out), and delayed a few days. This means not only that you can sign up to read them yourself, but also that we will summarize more of them in WS Crime Watch, more often, since they’re accessible without the time-consuming process of going to the precinct to download reports from the discs and search through the citywide information looking for local cases. However, two categories that figure prominently in reader-reported Crime Watch roundups are not mentioned – car thefts and car prowls – so keep sharing your stories with your neighbors here. Speaking of which, we have two from the queue:Read More
Arlene Carter at Providence Mount St. Vincent shares that photo and this invitation to join in their Father’s Day car show:
Providence Mount St. Vincent is planning its annual Father’s Day Classic and Antique Car Show for the afternoon of Sunday, June 20th. If you have a classic or antique car that you would be willing to show, please contact Eileen at (206) 937-3701 ext. 28674. This show is a treasured tradition for the elderly residents of The Mount and their friends and family members!
Southwest District Council members had been looking forward to talking with Mayor McGinn on Wednesday night … till the matter of hiring a police chief got in the way. So instead, Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith filled in, while his boss presided at a chief-candidates public forum downtown. When it was all over, in a discussion ranging from The Viaduct to park-n-rides to stalled developments to the city budget, SWDC co-chair Chas Redmond told Smith, “You took our heated questions very gracefully.” See why he said that – ahead:Read More
You’ve seen the poster promising “Hot Local Bands” … now we have the details. From Jason Fitzgerald at The Workshop, which works with the West Seattle Junction Association on West Seattle Summer Fest (co-sponsored again this year by WSB), here’s first word of the live-music lineup:
Here’s the 2010 West Seattle Summer Fest band line-up so far:
Hell’s Belles
The Tom Price Desert Classic
The Fixers
Kim Virant
Trombone Cake
(added) Midnight Idols*and a special, secret, surprise band announced later…
Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter
Mark Pickerel & His Praying Hands
Caspar Babypants
Massy Ferguson
Curtains For You
Kristen Ward
Marc Olsen
Memphis Radio Kings
Gunn & The Damage Done
Cherry Cherry (a 10-piece Neil Diamond tribute band)
All Mixed Up (a Cars tribute band)SUNDAY, JULY 11TH:
Billy Joe & The Dusty 45’s
Kris Orlowski
Shelby Earl
Capping Day
The School Of Rock All-Stars (performing Live Aid Remade, with songs by David Bowie, Queen, Judas Priest, U2 and more)More bands will be added, and as always, all of this music is ALL AGES and ABSOLUTELY FREE
(Last year’s big Friday night super-mega-attraction was of course Mudhoney – we published video here.) If you’re trying to remember who else played last year, here was our 2009 preview.
South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) is expanding its automotive-technology-training facility – and it will get a new name, one that’s widely known around West Seattle. Here’s the official announcement, just received from the college:
In recognition of more than 30 years of support for South Seattle Community College, the college is honoring the Huling family, of West Seattle, in the naming of an expanded and remodeled automotive technology training facility.
The Seattle Community Colleges trustees will name the facility the Steve and Sharon Huling Automotive Center. The new center will ensure that students work with tools and equipment that closely match current industry standards.
“We deeply appreciate the Hulings for their generous, long-time support of the college,” said Jill Wakefield, chancellor of the Seattle Community Colleges and former South president. “Their on-going partnership with the college has resulted in nearly $2 million in equipment, funds, and other support, which has advanced and improved the training opportunities for our automotive students.”
The announcement continues with more details on the expansion, after the jump:Read More
After our report yesterday on a delay in the start of Delridge Skatepark construction (see the story here), several people asked for a followup on when work will start at nearby Delridge Playfield, scheduled for renovations including new artificial turf. We checked with project manager Ted Holden, who has just replied with a major update: He says the bids were just opened yesterday (one week later than planned). His summary:
Seven firms submitted bids. The apparent low bidder is A-1 Landscape and Construction, Inc. The apparent low bid is $ 1,034,376, which is $596,894 or 36.6% below the Engineer’s Estimate. Parks shall check the required Bidder Qualifications, and if all checks out shall recommend immediate award.
Holden also shared a copy of the current construction schedule, which calls for work to start in early July and, if all goes well, to be finished by October. (For more details on what’s involved in the playfield project, here’s our story from the 2nd and final public meeting last November; here’s the final “schematic design” from the Parks website.)
Late yesterday we published a news release from the King County Executive‘s office, which provided first word of a reported $7,500 theft from KC Water Taxi – which refers to both the Vashon and West Seattle foot ferries – fare boxes. The announcement came too late to get more information from the KC Sheriff’s Office, which is handling the case, but Sgt. John Urquhart has just provided more details: The suspect is described as a 30-year-old Tacoma man who was arrested this past Saturday night, booked into jail, and released the next day. Urquhart’s update also includes more details of exactly how the theft is believed to have happened:
Detectives began their investigation on May 27th, after the Marine Division of the King County Dept. of Transportation believed money was disappearing from a safe at Pier 50. Fares from passengers riding the ferry are deposited in small “vaults”, and then stored in a larger safe before the vaults are picked up by an armored car service.
Believing the thefts to be an “inside job”, detectives eventually determined a particular employee might be involved. After further investigation, a search warrant was obtained for his Tacoma residence and seven of the stolen vaults were found. The suspect took the vaults over a period of time and would break them open using a hammer. … The Marine Division believes 26 vaults in total were taken, worth about $330 each, and approximately $7500 in cash.
Charges are not yet filed but are expected; KCSO says the suspect had worked for the county since April.
FAUNTLEROY SCHOOLHOUSE: Tonight in Fauntleroy, join the celebration of the historic schoolhouse officially becoming property of the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency. A ribbon-cutting at 6:30 begins the open-house-style event, continuing till 8 pm with treats from Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering, tours to see other schoolhouse-headquartered businesses and organizations like Fauntleroy Children’s Center and Seattle Civic Dance Theatre, and music by the West Seattle Big Band, all free.
LUNAFEST: As previewed here earlier this week, this traveling festival of “films by, for and about women” stops at Admiral Theater tonight, for an event co-hosted by Stroller Strides and co-sponsored by other businesses including West Seattle Runner. A reception and silent auction start the night, before the 90 minutes of the movies; the event benefits domestic-violence and breast-cancer nonprofits.
LAFAYETTE ART: Also in the Admiral District, Lafayette Elementary and local businesses are displaying student art for a special art walk tonight, 6-8 pm – and you’re invited to come have a look at the work the young artists have done. (added 10 am) Thanks to Amy for adding this info: Two performances are scheduled at the school during the event – the Popcorns jump-rope team at 6 pm, the choir at 6:30.
FOLLOWUP FORUM: Tonight at High Point Neighborhood Center (Morgan/Lanham), it’s another chance to talk about community safety, as a followup to the April 29 meeting that aired issues following the stabbing attack on an HP woman a week earlier. The meeting’s at 6 pm; more info here.
CELEBRATION AT THE WAX BAR: The newest business in The Triangle opened in March but is now ready to celebrate with a “Smooth Summer Soiree” open house tonight. 5-8 pm, 37th/Fauntleroy, refreshments and free brow waxing.
More on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar!
Tonight at 6:30 – like just about every Thursday night, and two other times each week – you’ll see that group on the go in West Seattle. Dave Howard shares that photo and news of a change:
I am the president of West Seattle’s local running club, where we have been supporting local runners since 1994. We have just made an important change and I want to share it with the neighborhood. So here is our story.
After 16 years as West Seattle’s own running club, West Seattle Runners is changing its name. We are now called what we truly have always been, the West Seattle Running Club. As we have from the beginning back in 1994, West Seattle Running Club continues to create opportunities for runners of all levels to meet and run with others, to provide support and encouragement to members in achieving their personal goals, and to be a lot of fun. We have three organized runs each week, participate in a lot of local events, and put on a few of our own. No matter what your pace or distance our club can work for you. We start out together and fall in with those at our pace. One evening a week we do pizza after the run. On Sunday mornings after the run we head into the Alki bakery for coffee and conversation. Not to mention the cinnamon rolls. As always, our running schedule can be found at our website. Visit us at www.westseattlerunningclub.org and come run with us.