West Seattle Crime Watch: Police searching for Admiral burglars

Thanks to those who’ve contacted us to ask about a police search under way in North Admiral. We checked with Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James, who says it started as a 911 call about “2 suspicious males” spotted behind a house in the 1500 block of 44th SW (map). Police made one arrest at the scene after discovering a house had been burglarized; Lt. James says a male and female fled and haven’t been arrested yet, but “the suspects are known to the officers.”

19 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Police searching for Admiral burglars"

  • tr May 21, 2010 (4:38 pm)

    SWEET! Good job everyone!

  • d May 21, 2010 (4:39 pm)

    Kudos to the alert neighbor who made the call and SPD.

  • BaconButt May 21, 2010 (5:45 pm)

    Does ‘known’ mean ‘Skyelar’?

  • Andrew May 21, 2010 (6:53 pm)

    Book em Dano!

  • EyeLiveInWestSeattle May 21, 2010 (7:30 pm)

    Was he wearing shoes?

  • WTF May 21, 2010 (7:45 pm)

    Here, here my little pretties. Come rob our house. Let’s see how long it takes before our Rottweiler takes you down. SPD = just doing their jobs. Friends and neighbors who cared enough to call 911 = AWESOME!

  • Noelle May 21, 2010 (8:27 pm)

    very good!

  • Nelson Muntz May 21, 2010 (9:01 pm)

    Haw-haw! Losers! Glad they got caught.

  • samson May 21, 2010 (9:54 pm)

    I second WTF as I have rotty too! he is waiting outside to play!

  • Concerned May 22, 2010 (8:11 am)

    can you please publish the name of the person arrested?

    • WSB May 22, 2010 (8:52 am)

      We don’t have the names. Those have to be obtained from police reports (which require in-person visits to the precinct to look through, and at any rate would not be available this soon), or later, charging documents – TR

  • tomosse May 22, 2010 (8:26 am)

    I caught an Emblem theif in the 8600 block 13 S.W. yesterday. Wife saw him taking something off neighbors car. I yelled at him, he took off. I caught him about 2.5 blocks away. Cops took 15 y.o. too juvenile detention. After the incident I noticed 2 males and 1 female in a newer metallic honda truck watching the drama. Thanks to my neighbor for the help.

  • R2 May 22, 2010 (8:57 am)

    Actually I believe it was the postman who call 911. I am not totally sure. Thanks to David for keeping an eye on our neighborhood

  • Ryan May 22, 2010 (3:14 pm)

    It’s great to see neighbors looking out for eachother. If we want put an end to petty crimes, lurking and thieving we have to lookout for eachother. Neighbors unite! :)

  • Billy May 23, 2010 (10:11 am)

    @BaconButt: Could be…he’s “fresh out tha joint”.

  • genesee May 23, 2010 (1:11 pm)

    dark green 90s suburban stolen with generator in it. Hope someone knows something.

  • HunterG May 23, 2010 (3:39 pm)

    There are actually more burglary suspects “known to police” in West Seattle than we would like to think, BaconButt.

    Personally, I’m hoping it is who my husband found in our garage last week.

  • warren May 24, 2010 (12:31 pm)

    Would like to get the names and have them published with a description of the car they were in so we can all keep an eye on it. Thanks

  • WSB June 14, 2010 (10:03 pm)

    To the person whose comments are deleted for breaking WSB rules – If you have names of people you think committed a crime, those need to be reported to the police. We publish names of suspects in major cases after they are arrested and charged; until a case gets to that point, it’s for police and prosecutors to deal with. I don’t have any information indicating that has happened so far in this case but will try to find out – TR

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