Poland tragedy: Condolences from West Seattleites

Thanks to West Seattle photographer Gail Ann Wodzin for sharing these pictures and the story behind them, as West Seattleites, and others in our area, reach out to Poland in the wake of the plane crash in Russia that killed President Lech Kaczynski and more than 90 others. Above, Seattle Gdynia Sister City Association treasurer Harriet Wodzin of West Seattle signs letters of condolences to the people of Poland; next, Ron Golubiec of West Seattle talks with a TV-news crew about the tragic loss of the president:

Gail Ann adds:

In Solidarity, members of the Seattle Gdynia Sister City Association gathered to mourn the loss of Poland’s President Kacynski and many other high-ranking officials when their plane crashed a few days ago in Snmolensk.

Members recalled the fight for Solidarity, of which several were part of; and to remember the lost souls of Katyn; and to grieve the loss of friends made in Poland over many years of friendship with the people of Poland.

The struggle for freedom and democracy in Poland is an evolving process and we honor those who continue to move forward.

She tells more of the story of today’s gathering, with a link to additional photos, on her website.

2 Replies to "Poland tragedy: Condolences from West Seattleites"

  • Leroniusmonkfish April 11, 2010 (11:30 pm)

    A heavy heart for those lost. Birds chirping in their honor. A lifelong of solstice and gratitude have you done.

  • Mac-Albert Bedell April 12, 2010 (6:28 am)

    With a heavy heart and a dead spirit within me i do with deep regart condol with the Polish citizens for the lost of their great heros,may their souls rest in peace.

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