Disaster Preparedness Month, night 13: Earthquake retrofitting

On the 4th night of Disaster Preparedness Month, we talked about earthquake readiness, in the wake of the Mexicali/Calexico quake. On this 13th night, there’s news of another strong quake, this time in western China, with hundreds reported dead. Wondering how to increase your survivability? One thing to consider: Home retrofitting, if you live in an older house. This page on the city website is a jumping-off spot for information, including an outline of city-offered classes about retrofitting. Just so happens (as briefly mentioned on Night 6) that one of these classes is coming up in West Seattle in about a month and a half, June 1st at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 11 am-1 pm. It’s free, but call now to register (all the info’s here). If you don’t want to wait for the class, the city site also has information on hiring contractors for retrofit work, and there’s information on permits and plans here.

Now, our nightly reminders:

West Seattle Be Prepared (resource-laden, WS-specific website here; Facebook group for more discussion here)
-City’s 3 To Get Ready challenge (register for prizes!), which is being advertised on WSB this month
-Your Emergency Communications Hub – know it, know multiple routes to it.

3 Replies to "Disaster Preparedness Month, night 13: Earthquake retrofitting"

  • LMA April 14, 2010 (9:39 am)

    I retrofitted my house 10yrs ago and I am ready . got my bottle water and dry foods just in case. I am ready if it happens the big one talked to my son and he knows we have a plan , I know were to go and were our Hub is located just in case.

  • onceachef April 14, 2010 (4:51 pm)

    Having moved from California in 1993 and having been in the Loma Prieta quake there in 1989, the first thing I did when we bought our house is to retrofit it…the cost was minimal compared to what the damages/costs might be. Hopefully we’re ready! I would also suggest a flashlight in every room…that way you don’t have to search for one at a crucial moment…headlamps are good (like for camping or hiking) as your hands can stay free to do other more important things.

  • homedk April 23, 2010 (10:08 am)

    Just wanted to mention that the free class on retrofitting is very worthwhile, even if you do decide to hire a contractor to do all or part of the work. Some of the licensed contractors teach or assist with the class, so you’ll have an opportunity to ask them questions that are specific to your home.
    After taking the class several years ago, we decided to manage the retrofitting ourselves, but hired out portions of the work. The folks that taught the class, were great about answering questions that we had in the course of the project, long after we’d taken the class!
    It was a pretty straightforward project & certainly worthwhile to do before refinishing the basement.

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