Over the past three months (starting again in September), we have reported more incidences of vandalism involving profane anti-gay slurs, usually appearing on business and park property in Morgan Junction and north of Lincoln Park. This morning, we have received reports indicating that the vandalism happened again multiple times overnight: Jim e-mailed to report the word “pedophile” (misspelled) painted on a business window south of Morgan Junction, which relates to the theme of the unprintable slur that has appeared most often. And we just received a report of vandalism on a private residence’s garage door along 42nd SW northeast of Morgan Junction, and that victim tells us the investigating officer confirmed multiple reports. To recap, the man who was arrested for this same type of vandalism earlier this year was charged, but the charges were dropped when he was found not competent to stand trial; while there’s been no declaration that he is definitely responsible for the latest incidents in the past few months, police have said they continue looking for him – no permanent address, apparently – to question him about what’s happened. At last month’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (WSB coverage here), police were asked for a description; acting Community Police Team Sgt. Adonis Topacio said “white male, late 20s, early 30s, always looks stressed out” and an attendee said he was known to wear hoodies. Police also have reiterated that their best hope is for someone to see the vandalism as it happens and to call 911. We’re checking with the precinct again today to see if there’s anything new to share from their standpoint.
West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday