Seattle City Light confirms power outage in northwest West Seattle

Thanks to the WSB’er who called a few minutes ago with word of a power outage in the Charlestown Hill area [map]. Seattle City Light hadn’t confirmed it at that time, but has now: 68 customers; a crew is on the way, no word yet what caused it; they’re not promising restoration before 3 am. While the boundaries listed by SCL are not usually precise, here’s what they’re listing – between SW Spokane and SW Andover, and between 51st SW and 59th SW. 4:29 AM UPDATE: Just checked the City Light hotline again and there’s no longer an “outage message” recording, which should mean everybody’s back on.

4 Replies to "Seattle City Light confirms power outage in northwest West Seattle"

  • Dave allen December 16, 2009 (9:46 pm)

    My street lost power.
    A few mins b4 the power went out the lites in my house flickered strongly.
    I stuck my head out the window and heard what sounded like fireworks “popping” somewhere east of 53rd St

  • cathyw December 16, 2009 (9:56 pm)

    We’re good on 59th just north of Spokane.

    • WSB December 16, 2009 (10:07 pm)

      Yeah, the boundaries are often almost more confusing than helpful but it’s the official record so we share them anyway … hope everybody is back soon.

  • Santa December 17, 2009 (4:04 pm)

    hmmmmm…must have been that Christmas Light display by the water tower!!! lol

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