The lights are low, the holiday music is low-key, and – there’s wine! at the St. Nicholas Faire under way now at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle (just north of The Junction at 4105 California SW), till 8 tonight. The state’s Winery of the Year (per WinePress NW), Maryhill Winery, is represented by Rich Marshall – brother of the church’s Pastor Ron Marshall. (Next to his wine-tasting table, there’s also a “wine toss” – think “ring toss.”) Also at the Faire – unique crafts, like these icons by Bert Apman, based on centuries-old images:

We also noted pottery, baked goods, and of course Christmas items – like these “Fidget Trees”:

There’s an admission charge for the St. Nicholas Faire (details here) – reduced if you bring nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank, which along with West Seattle Helpline benefits from the Faire’s proceeds.
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