day : 29/11/2009 9 results

Update: Lakewood PD murders “person of interest” now “suspect”

ORIGINAL 6:10 PM REPORT: A new development in the search for the man who killed four Lakewood Police officers in a Pierce County coffee shop this morning: Authorities have gone public with the photo at left, saying that 37-year-old Maurice Clemmons is a “person of interest” with whom they want to speak in connection with the deadly ambush. The Seattle Times (WSB partner) has a story about his lengthy criminal history; he is reported to have been in jail until posting bond six days ago, facing charges including child rape. If you have any information about him, the official tip line is 1-866-977-2362. The four murdered officers also have just been identified – here’s the official announcement. The Lakewood Police union’s site has info on how to help their families. 9:00 PM: From left, Officer Tina Griswold, Officer Ronald Owens, Sgt. Mark Renninger, Officer Greg Richards.

9:48 PM: The search for the person of interest has expanded to Seattle – the Leschi neighborhood (which also, you may recall, is the area where SPD Officer Tim Brenton was killed). 12:42 AM: Real-time updates continue courtesy of our fellow independent neighborhood-news service, Central District News, at We’re continuing to monitor and will update when there’s something major but otherwise, CD News is where to get the moment-by-moment. 3:10 AM: A briefing at the scene of the Leschi standoff – now in its 7th hour – has yielded new information, including Maurice Clemmons‘ description changing from “person of interest” to “suspect” – this, authorities say, because he was shot. They don’t know if he’s dead or alive. CD News is continuing to add updates to this report. 9:04 AM: He wasn’t there after all. Now the search has moved on to the U-District; here’s the latest from the Times – and the warning to people at the UW is confirmed by a WSB’er who sent us the e-mail alert that went around, saying simply, “Lakeland shooting suspect may be in University area. Police responding. Be alert.” 10 AM: That search is said to have been called off, but there’s another one under way in Beacon Hill.

West Seattle Holidays: Area’s most famous lights are going up

Along Beach Drive just before sunset, we caught this scene – West Seattle’s most famous holiday light display, in the process of being put up, all the way up to the big star on the tallest tree. If you’re new to the area – it’s the Menashe Family display; we’ve done video profiles each of the past two years (2008 here, 2007 here) and will be checking in with them this year as soon as the display is done. We’ll also feature Christmas lights from all around West Seattle, as we’ve done the past few years (here are our archives; last year was sidetracked in mid-December by snow) – we welcome your photos and/or addresses if no pix – if you’ve already shared the pix via Flickr, Facebook or somewhere else public, just let us know (and tell us it’s OK to republish) – we’ll include the list on the West Seattle Holidays page, too.

Free photos from Westside Pharmacy files – if you’re in them!

November 29, 2009 3:17 pm
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Though Westside Pharmacy technically closed two and a half months ago, when the pharmacy operations and staff moved to the new QFC in time for its opening day (previous stories here and here), they’ve continued the slow process of winding down the business, selling fixtures and other inventory at the old pharmacy location. Sandy e-mailed to share news about items they’re hoping to give away to those for whom they have meaning:

Westside Pharmacy – 5401 California Ave SW [map] – is in its last days…with 12/15/09 as their last day selling product and fixtures left behind after the QFC merger.

Mike Ng, the Owner, sponsored B-Ball, T-Ball, A-Ball & PeeWee Teams for a number of years. In the process of boxing up records to move we have run across a number of team photos.

A-Ball 1994, 1998, 2000, 2001 & 2004
B-Ball 2000, 2001, 2004 & 2005
T-Ball 1994, 1997 & 2004
PeeWee 1995 & 2003 Plus 1 photo no year or Team type…….

For nostalgia or as a memento, we would like to give the photos to the team members or coaches in the photos. Come in….if you can find yourself in the photo…..the photo is yours.

Until the 15th of December 2009 we will be at the California Ave location M-Th 10am – 4pm and/or can be reached at 206-935-0117 enter 0 when the recorded message begins.

Mike would like to thank everyone in the community for their faithful support over the years!!

Need volunteer help? Here’s a chance to find it in West Seattle

November 29, 2009 2:42 pm
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If you’re with a group that can use student volunteers, here’s a chance to find them:

Chief Sealth High School will be hosting a Service Learning Fair for non-profit organizations that offer Service Learning opportunities to high school youth, 14-21 years of age, on Monday, December 7, 9:00 – 11:00 AM. (Service Learning is volunteer work with learning and reflection.) Non-profit organizations that want to participate are invited to contact Chris Syrjala, Career Specialist, Chief Sealth High School, 252-8635 by Thursday, December 3.

Here’s the registration form.

Checking: Overnight police search in Seaview

November 29, 2009 12:35 pm
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Several people have reported seeing/hearing this — multiple police cars and officers, reportedly including King County Sheriff’s Office as well as Seattle Police with K-9, involved in a search in Seaview overnight, between 2 and 4 am. (Phone-cam photo at left.) We’ve received reports from several spots along 49th SW (map), including this post in the WSB Forums. No official information so far but via Facebook, Deirdre – who was in the search zone, and says officers told her to stay inside – says she finally got a dispatcher to tell her that it was a case of someone running away after “a traffic stop,” and says they told her someone had been taken into custody. We may not be able to get any official details before early tomorrow morning but will update, whenever we do.

4 police officers killed in Pierce County ambush

Not West Seattle news, but so soon after former West Seattleite Officer Timothy Brenton was murdered here in our city … this is the region’s biggest story today, and we’re noting here in case you had not heard: Someone went into a coffee shop in Lakewood, south of Tacoma, around 8:15 this morning, where four police officers — whose marked cars were outside — were working on their laptops, and shot them all dead. KING5 is streaming investigation coverage; our partners at the Seattle Times have just published an update, including a preliminary description from a Pierce County Sheriff’s Department spokesperson; there’s also continuing coverage online at the Tacoma-based News-Tribune site. If any official “be on the lookout” bulletin comes out at some point, we will add it here, since so far there is no word of an arrest. According to KING, this hotline’s been set up for tips: 866-977-2362. 12:46 PM UPDATE: No major new information so far. The officers have been identified only as a Lakewood Police patrol team, 3 men, one woman. Among those who have spoken to the media is Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor; a media friend shared with us this link we wanted to pass on: something wrenching and important he published on his website after attending Officer Brenton’s funeral. 1:20 PM: Pierce County’s website is posting its updates in a special box on the home page – here’s the link. 3:24 PM: The Lakewood police union has published a statement that includes information on how to assist the murdered officers’ families.

West Seattle Crime Watch: No holiday weekend for car thieves

November 29, 2009 7:06 am
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

The most recent West Seattle crime-stat toplines included a slight rise in auto theft, and this morning we have two reports to share. First, from Meryl:

They stole my neighbor’s car (Friday) night, an old Bronco, on Holden St. between 41st and California (map).

I believe they were pros as they broke the window and no one woke up except my cats. I looked out and saw the car rolling down the hill, but it was too late.

Last year my car was broken into the same way. Didn’t hear the window break. Didn’t wake up till they opened the door and the car alarm went off.

Also, Tanya reported a car theft by commenting after a previous Crime Watch report:

My boyfriend and I live in Highland Park. We got home from a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Got up to go to work and his car was stolen from our driveway. We live on 8100 block of 14th [map]. It’s a white Nissan 240sx with bronze wheels and a loud exhaust. Please e-mail or my cell #20677984898. Thank you so much for your time.

In The Junction today: Farmers’ Market, freebies, contest entries

November 29, 2009 6:03 am
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WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm as always. New items include parsnips, pears and matsutake mushrooms, according to the new Ripe ‘n’ Ready list.

HOTWIRE FREEBIES: The first two of four new coupons from Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) runs through tomorrow – free latte’ or americano – get the coupons here, then hop up the street while you’re in The Junction for the Farmers’ Market.

CONTEST ENTRIES: Hotwire’s among the more than three dozen places you can enter (no purchase necessary) the $6,500 Junction holiday giveaway. First drawing’s at the tree lighting next Saturday night!

Music is the key for West Seattle guitar teacher Richie Jenkin

Richie Jenkin says there’s two things in the back of everybody’s closet – a guitar and a set of weights. He says that people want to find a way to make the instrument part of their lives and he said that’s why he’s in the business of teaching guitar. Teaching guitar is not his first line of work, but lately it’s his chosen one. As noted here when Richie first joined WSB as a sponsor in August 2008, he’s a trained counselor and has worked with people in recovery from substance abuse. Now, Richie’s at a point in his life where he’d like to put his energy into helping people learn the guitar and improve their understanding of music. While he works with kids as young as six, Richie says more than two-thirds of his students are adults. His average student is someone who has owned a guitar for some time, but needs someone to work with, to get some structure on how to play. As he points out, it’s structure that’s personalized to each student: “I take my teaching seriously. By that I mean that I take the time to prepare for each lesson. I look at what we¹ve been doing; the pace of things; what you want to be learning; your particular way of learning; and what I think is best for a particular lesson to make sure your playing is coming along in a way you can be confident and enthusiastic about. So it¹s not just about showing you something new every week and then out the door. If the music is going to be rewarding, exhilarating and fun, then I better be doing my part to make it so.” Richie’s been teaching guitar for 25 years and he specializes in beginners and intermediate students. He works out of offices at 3618 California SW; best way to reach him is (206) 799-7432.