WEST SEATTLE CANDIDATES’ FORUM: It’s been in the works for weeks, and tonight’s the night – come hear the candidates for Mayor and City Council take on West Seattle-specific questions. The forum co-sponsored by the Southwest and Delridge Neighborhoods District Councils starts at 7 pm at Youngstown Arts Center (4408 Delridge); reminder that you can come early and meet the artists chosen for the Delridge Playfield art project.
SCHOOL BOUNDARIES Q/A MEETING: The Monday night session with School Board rep Steve Sundquist at Schmitz Park Elementary was informal – now, it’s the big official meeting for those with questions and/or opinions on the newly announced attendance-boundary proposals as the district transitions to a system more based on neighborhood schools. 6:30 pm, West Seattle High School. (If you absolutely can’t make it, there’s one Friday night at Denny; here’s the full list.)
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 7 pm, Alki Community Center, with agenda including an airline program that could change flight paths, and an update on the Alki Homestead (big topic at last month’s meeting).
GIRL SCOUTS INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Tonight there’s one at Roxhill Elementary, 6 pm. Organizers note that girls will not be assigned to troops at this meeting, but they explain the organization and even how to form your own troop, as well as how to become a volunteer!
UPRIDGE TOWNHOMES’ GRAND OPENING: As noted here when we welcomed upRidge as a sponsor yesterday, the new development alongside Longfellow Creek (5957 Delridge) has its grand opening today, 4-7:30 pm, and you’re invited to come take tours and enjoy free pizza from Delridge’s own Olympia.