West Seattle scene: Purse-seine chum fishing returns

Guy Smith – who recently shared the story of the Joy D. Smith Wildlife Raft – sent that photo of the Quandary fishing off Alki Point. We thought the name sounded familiar, and in fact, the WSB archives reveal we published a photo last year too. As WSB’ers enlightened us last year, Quandary is a purse seiner (explained here).

4 Replies to "West Seattle scene: Purse-seine chum fishing returns"

  • Jeffrey October 26, 2009 (6:13 pm)

    It’s time to get the nets out of Puget Sound. There isn’t even a market for these fish, and the bycatch kills our blackmouth and resident coho. Why do we allow this?

  • Mike October 27, 2009 (8:04 am)

    Ya, that’s almost as bad as building part of a city on landfill over tideflats and wetlands, destroying streams and rivers that salmon runs used to exist on. Oh.. wait, that’s Seattle.

  • Vanessa Fox October 27, 2009 (3:01 pm)

    Here’s a similar scene I took outside my window (at Alki point) in Aug 2007.

    I don’t know enough about the fishing industry to know if it’s the same kind of boat.

    BTW, I love watching the seals and birds that hang out on that dock every morning. My neighbors and I are considering adding one, so we may end up knocking on the Smiths’ door and asking for advice!

  • Phil james November 4, 2009 (8:41 pm)

    Here we go again, You sport fishermen , Rich sport fishermen because you can take time off anytime you want, You must have a good job right, You rant and rave about the fishery and you are so not informed, The commercial fishermen get six to eight days to fish chum salmon, that go for 75 cent’s a pound so we can raise our family, put food on the table for other people, there has not been any active coho fishery in area ten since 1991 you blame the commercial fishermen when we don’t even fish, how about the fish you catch and don’t report. the coho is still on the decline get real, we have escapement panels to let the juvenile fish out and place the coho and chinook back in the water if we encounter them, Get off this crap about fisherman, We work very hard at our trade, If you want to support me I will stop and you can pay my way, sounds good to me.

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