The central Lincoln Park playground photo above – sent by Hillary – is the first one we’ve heard of (let us know if you’ve already seen one somewhere else). This comes one week after the city announced it would start putting up signs announcing the new rule banning guns at park facilities where children/youth are likely to be present, but the announcement (see it here) hadn’t specified a timetable, aside from the plan to have all affected facilities posted by December 1st. Hillary was surprised by the sign and added these comments in her e-mail to WSB:
I saw the sign for the first time today, and was very disturbed by both the content and the placement of the sign. We moved from the East Coast over a year ago, and settled near Lincoln Park because of the peaceful community ambience of the Fauntleroy/Arbor Heights area. Had I seen these signs in Seattle parks as a prospective home buyer, I would have chosen the ‘burbs, assuming there must be firearm problems if there have to be signs on playgrounds. (Which, now that I live here, know is not the case). Signs and laws don’t dissuade gang members from wielding their guns in any public location, unfortunately. As far as I’m concerned, the only things these signs accomplish are decreased property values and creating unnecessary fear in law-abiding citizens.
I had to respond to my 2 year-olds questions about “The sign with the gun on it” today…. Maybe they should also post “No Drugs” and “No Sex” signs at the park. I’d love to have to explain those things to him while he’s still in preschool. (I am, of course, angrily sarcastic).
You can expect to see dozens more signs like that around West Seattle, since the city announcement last week said the signs would be posted at:
* 26 community centers
* four environmental learning centers
* 10 pools
* 30 wading pools and water play areas
* two small craft centers
* two specialized facilities (tennis center, performing arts center)
* 139 playgrounds and play areas
* 213 ballfields
* six late night recreation sites
* three teen life centers
* 82 outdoor tennis and basketball courts
* two skateparks
* five golf courses
P.S. The mayoral candidates were asked about the park gun ban during tonight’s debate on KING5 – watch their answers, starting here.
ADDED 4:45 PM THURSDAY: Some commenters asked about the cost of the signs. We asked the Parks Department for the information, and Joelle Ligon replies:
So far, we have ordered 150 signs for a cost of $2,500. We anticipate ordering another (approximately) 350 signs for another $5,200. We will also order some replacement signs for ones that are vandalized or damaged in some other way, which we anticipate will cost in the $250 range. The grand total for the cost of fabricating all the signs is around $10,000.
The cost of installing them is included in the jobs of our installation maintenance crews, who do this type of work normally.