Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle: 3 tons harvested!

October 26, 2009 4:19 pm
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 |   Gardening | West Seattle news

(August photo courtesy of Margaret, taken as a TV crew videotaped a harvest at her house)
The “donated tree” harvesting is over for the year, and Aviva from Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle is sending thanks today to tree donors and volunteers for what she describes as “the bountiful harvest of 2009,” exceeding the goals they set earlier in the year:

6639 pounds of plums, grapes, pears, apples and figs (were) harvested and donated to the White Center and West Seattle food banks. This wonderful local fruit, instead of spoiling in backyards and sidewalks, was distributed to those who could benefit and enjoy it. Community Harvest will not be harvesting any more trees in 2009, but will be continuing activities through the winter.

What’s next?

Monthly meetings of the West Seattle Urban Crop Circle – a group which meets to learn and share about food gardening. Next meeting: Sunday, November 1 – Native Edibles – Kimberly Leeper (Mariposa Naturescapes), 6:30 – 8:30 PM, Duwamish Cohousing Common House, 6000 17th Ave SW.

*Planning for a Community Garden in West Seattle
*Planning for next year’s fruit harvest

Please contact if you would like more information, or would like to participate in our projects.

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