Thanks to Brenda for e-mailing to ask what we knew about an incident at West Seattle Stadium earlier today, reported to her by a witness; we just checked with the Seattle Police media unit and here’s what they found out: A man in the stands at noon today during a youth football game spotted a man “with whom he had an ongoing disagreement,” as Det. Mark Jamieson put it, and pointed a gun at that man. Others apparently tried to intervene. No shots were fired and nobody was hurt; police were called, but the two men were both gone before they arrived. Witnesses had a description of the car in which the man with the gun left; Det. Jamieson says a car matching that description was stopped in the 6900 block of Delridge (about 2 miles away; map), but the suspect wasn’t in it. Nobody arrested or hurt, and police didn’t find the gun, but Brenda says the witness told her game was stopped for a while as all this played out.
West Seattle, Washington
03 Monday