Neighborhood-plan survey deadline near: Rally to beat Ballard!

A week and a half ago, West Seattle neighborhoods had a heartening turnout at a once-in-a-decade meeting to talk about the “neighborhood plans” for the five WS areas that created them in the late ’90s: Admiral, Delridge, Highland Park/Westwood Village, Morgan Junction and The Junction. However, just getting people to the meeting was only part of the process. A followup meeting will happen this fall – but the city needs to hear from hundreds (even better, thousands!) more residents regarding growth and planning in their neighborhoods and what they hope to see over the NEXT decade or so. You can do that by taking an online survey. The graph above shows how response is going from the neighborhoods around the city that have had these update meetings. As you can see, Ballard has had the most responses … but they didn’t even have to turn in 200 to get way out in front, so with more than 35,000 households on our peninsula, we should be able to muster a larger response. Not that there’s a prize – although there’s certainly value in having a say in your neighborhood’s future. And the city Planning Commission makes it clear: Even if the neighborhood where you live doesn’t have a plan, fill one out for the one you regularly visit (that means in West Seattle almost all of us qualify for The Junction). Example – we live in Fauntleroy, but it doesn’t have a plan, so we’re doing the one for Morgan Junction, the nearest business district, where we spend a lot of time. The deadline is DAYS AWAY (the actual site says “Tues 8/12” but Tuesday is the 11th so we’re checking on the real deadline) – so please take a few minutes now – it really will make a difference.

13 Replies to "Neighborhood-plan survey deadline near: Rally to beat Ballard!"

  • DLP August 9, 2009 (3:13 pm)

    I recommend not bothering with the video, but do read the neighborhood plan. The WS Junction one was only 4 pages with lots of graphics. The survey itself is direct and not long, with plenty of opportunity to explain and make comments. In a nutshell, it’s easy to take part in neighborhood planning this way, and your voice will be heard.

  • d August 9, 2009 (4:09 pm)

    Also, folks can speak to concerns not listed in the prompts provided. At the meeting, we were told that suggested areas to expound on for each question were just that – mere suggestions; mention any and all matters and issues related to your hood which might not have been specifically mentioned, if that is what is on your mind.

    For instance, that completion of the sewer infrasctructure planned for the Delridge Development Area is properly and thoroughly executed per the old plans (updating of any and all combined sewers still operational on 9th Ave SW and, unfortunately, perhaps other areas within the Delridge Dev. Area intended for high density growth) is long over due, perhaps


  • d August 9, 2009 (4:33 pm)

    Oops… Got interrupted.

    So, the issue of sewer updates were not listed in the questions, but addressing it is allowed.

    Another thing not suggested as an area to address is the reexamination and possible reassignment of boundaries of some neighborhood plans to meaningfully address the rapid development in some adjacent areas which could be productively considered as a core part of the hood but the dated plans are not including

    I really think it worth everyone’s time to get their $.02 in. What’s that saying about silence? Well, in this case, silence is not golden. Take 10 or 15 minutes and check out the link provided by WSB.

  • Michael August 9, 2009 (6:06 pm)

    I’m looking forward to seeing whether we get a sorely missed focus on transit after these responses are turned in.
    If I had to consider one thing the biggest stumbling block to making West Seattle (especially those neighborhoods that aren’t The Junction) vibrant and friendly, it would be the extreme lack of transit OR even a plan for mass transit.

  • Jill August 9, 2009 (6:26 pm)

    Done! Thanks for the heads up, WSB.

    Michael, I mentioned transit (both within WS and to other parts of the city) as an item that should be focused on more, too, just for the record.

  • kittylove August 10, 2009 (11:45 am)

    hardly seems fair to have “west seattle” broken up into, what, FIVE areas…and to have Ballard/Crown Hill as one…that’s a huge area.

  • Katie Sheehy August 10, 2009 (12:43 pm)

    Thanks for encouraging more folks to fill out the questionnaire. The last day to fill it out will be Wednesday, August 12.

  • jsrekd August 10, 2009 (1:09 pm)

    Done as well. Amazing to believe it was over 10 years ago we started with this! WOW.

  • WSB August 10, 2009 (1:42 pm)

    Katie, thank you. Got that answer from Barb as well but hadn’t had a chance to add it yet. That gives us time for another reminder tomorrow – hope you guys will update the bar chart :) – TR

  • sarelly August 10, 2009 (3:16 pm)

    Things really have improved in the last ten years, but I do wish they’d put more effort into traffic & pedestrian safety.

  • Barb Wilson August 10, 2009 (3:58 pm)

    The West Seattle numbers are catching up to Ballard. Last I looked WS Junction was in third place with over 100 responses behind Ballard, and Greenwood Phiney. Morgan has over 70, Admiral has close to 50. We will put a new, updated chart on our Planning Commission website today. Go West Seattle neighborhoods!

  • Kari August 16, 2009 (9:56 pm)

    Received this from City – extension on survey:

    Thank you for taking the time to fill out the Planning Commission’s Status Check questionnaire about your neighborhood. Your feedback will be included in the “State of the Neighborhoods Report” that will be submitted to City Council at the end of this year.

    We will also make the verbatim responses publically available (excluding personal information) after the survey has closed. Many people have expressed interest in seeing the information. The Commission’s plan has always been to make the information available and easily accessible. We are working through the details but expect that we will share this on our website where you took the survey.

    Due to the overwhelming and positive response to the on-line meeting and questionnaire, the deadline has been extended until Friday, August 21.

    As of this morning we have had almost 3000 responses. Keep it up and spread the word!

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you,

    Katie Sheehy
    Planning Commission Analyst
    Seattle Planning Commission
    (206) 684-8694

  • WSB August 16, 2009 (11:41 pm)

    Thanks, we reported the survey extension last Wednesday –

    will be checking with the Planning Commission again tomorrow for an update on returns-by-neighborhood and will plug it again!

Sorry, comment time is over.