As a side note to the recent West Seattle door-to-door alerts regarding magazine sellers who may or may not be legit, Ann shares a warning about solicitors in what are supposed to be secure buildings – read on:
Wanted to pass along that one of the magazine sales kids has made it into several security buildings in Admiral. Today he was at our building for the 2nd time – he gains entry by buzzing residents (many in our building are retired) and claiming he is the son of neighbor X or nephew of neighbor X etc. He then goes door to door selling magazines and somehow he knows first and last names of residents, yet this information is posted nowhere on our building. Today on his 2nd visit he claimed to be someone’s grandson, our association president found him in the halls and escorted him to the unit he claimed he was visiting and of course that unit did not know the young guy.
He then went across the street to the apartment building and waited for 3 people to enter and went in with them – I seriously doubt he lives there. When he was here he did flash a wad of personal checks. So, my caution is this – 1) if you have older neighbors alert them to this current scam and 2) just because you’re in a secure building it means nothing to these folks, they can still get in and get your personal info. This was a young guy, pretty clean cut, curly brown hair. This was in Admiral, north of Blockbuster though I don’t really want to publicize our actual address except to the police.