Michelle Babb, MS, RD: Welcome, new West Seattle Blog sponsor

July 13, 2009 12:15 pm
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Today we’re welcoming a new sponsor, Michelle Babb, MS, RD, a Bastyr graduate and adjunct professor who consults on finding optimum health by improving nutrition. New sponsors are always offered the chance to share information with you regarding what they do; Michelle says, “Clients seek me out because they’re looking to change their lifestyle to address their health issues and restore vitality. They’re often very frustrated and worn out with traditional methods for weight loss and disease prevention, and they don’t know where to turn. Most people need a little information and a lot of motivation. I encourage them to make small, but meaningful changes and build up to an optimal diet and I provide support every step of the way. I also use therapeutic diets when warranted, and my patients commonly report feeling better than they have in years. Once they start seeing and feeling the results of restoring balance to the body through good nutrition, exercise and relaxation, that becomes its own motivation.” Michelle says that if you’ve been trying to lose weight or have been diagnosed with a digestive problem, she can work with you to find the right foods. She’s also in touch with naturopaths, medical doctors, acupuncturists and chiropractors to create a whole plan for better nutrition and health. Find Michelle Babb, MS, RD, online at eatplaybe.com. We welcome her to the WSB sponsor lineup, listed in full here along with information on how to become part of it.

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