That’s the magician who drew a crowd of kids here at the Westwood Village Street Fair with tricks including that bit of doll levitation earlier this afternoon – live entertainment is about to rev up in a big way with Theatre Sports comedy improv onstage at 4 (a taste of what they’re doing at the Admiral Theater tonight at 9) followed by three bands: Nekkid Frankie, Reckon Yard, Morris Can Fly. If you haven’t been here yet, the stage is right in front of Bed Bath Beyond – booths are in the same parking lot as well as down the Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor – and giving away a gold/diamond pendant at 6:15 pm if you enter the center-wide drawing) and 24 Hour Fitness breezeway, as well as over in front of QFC and the neighboring restaurants. The fair continues till 7 pm; more photos/video to come – and you can see our first report here.
4:17 PM UPDATE: Here’s that Clifford the Big Red Dog photo we promised earlier:

Nekkid Frankie – a teen-girl band – is on stage right now (video added 5:36 pm) – turns out they swapped spots with TheatreSports, which will do its improv comedy afterward, followed by more bands.
5:03 PM UPDATE: The bouncy houses are being deflated – so looks like the kids’ activities are done for the day. Music continues, with band #2 playing now.
5:46 PM UPDATE: More of the other booths are folding up. Just got a chance to talk to someone else who dropped by the WSB table (we’ll be here till at least 6:15) – guide dog-trainer Ruth, whose event last Tuesday was publicized here on WSB. She visited with puppy-in-training Amos, whose photo we will add later – he even has his own training card. They’re working to get the word out that Guide Dogs for the Blind are provided free of charge to the visually impaired, but they don’t have guaranteed funding forever, so they need support, as well as volunteers. ADDED 8:01 PM: A snippet of Morris Can Fly, the third and final band of the night: