Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Lady Di, Pet Chaperone

Today, we welcome our newest sponsor, West Seattle pet-care provider Lady Di, Pet Chaperone. It’s a WSB tradition to welcome new sponsors by sharing more information about their businesses; Lady Di‘s been in the pet-care business in West Seattle for 14 years. Currently, she offers doggy day care in a real home environment. The dogs have a complete living room, with comfy furniture, dog beds and a TV, which were all donated by Lady Di‘s clients. There are also inside and outside areas for small dogs, and the day care features a live-in manager to look after your pets. Lady Di offers in-home visitation for pets as well. If you’re going out of town, you can schedule an interview with Lady Di. During the interview, Lady Di takes time to get to know you and your pet, and to learn about what needs your pet might have while you’re away. In-home visits are available for dogs, cats, birds, fish, and exotics. Her visiting staff is bonded and insured. Lady Di, Pet Chaperone is a member of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and the West Seattle Junction Association. Online, you’ll find Lady Di at seattlepetcare.com; by phone, 206-938-4222.

Thanks to Lady Di, Pet Chaperone for supporting 24/7 community news, information and discussion by sponsoring WSB; our full list of sponsors is here, as is info on how to join them!

4 Replies to "Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Lady Di, Pet Chaperone"

  • margaritaville May 11, 2009 (10:20 am)

    Lady Di is AWESOME!!!

  • Sue May 11, 2009 (11:04 am)

    I’ve been using Lady Di (in-home cat visits) since we moved to West Seattle 3 years ago and am very happy with her and her staff. They’ve been great with our cat. They even went above and beyond for a non-pet-related issue: a UPS slip had been left while we were away on our last trip and said they were sending the package back to the sender; Lady Di called UPS, explained the situation, and had them hold the package for us until we got home a few days later. I would highly recommend them!

  • Ginger the dog May 11, 2009 (12:07 pm)

    I love you Lady Di!

  • Lisa May 11, 2009 (2:19 pm)

    We used Lady Di for years with our dog Abbey, who passed in 2008 at almost 17years old. Abbey did better with stays at Lady Di’s place rather staying at home with visits. Abbey loved it and frequently came home with a seasonal neck-kerchief! We love Lady Di!

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