Happening now: Body Bar anniversary bash (with marching band!)

Not quite parade weather right now but at least these marchers have hats! If you saw them in the north end of The Junction about an hour ago – but didn’t know what they were there for – maybe you missed the listing in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup, where we mentioned the Body Bar day spa’s first-anniversary bash, east side of California just north of Genesee. The party kicked off with Ingraham High School’s Drum Line, photographed by Lora Lewis from Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), which was on the “parade route” toward the Body Bar:

The Body Bar party’s continuing till 8 pm, with food, beverages, music, and free chair massages.

1 Reply to "Happening now: Body Bar anniversary bash (with marching band!)"

  • Dawn May 2, 2009 (6:52 pm)

    Therese Henning , the owner of the body bar does EVERTHING with such quality and class!! Her spa really reflects this and now her 1st anniversary party does as well!

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