West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
From tonight’s Sustainable West Seattle meeting: Featured speaker Paul Fischburg, founder of Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, looked back and looked ahead. WSB had only been around a year when we published this short blurb in late 2006 about his departure from DNDA after 11 years; he now works as a senior policy advisor in the city’s Office of Policy and Management. Fischburg recalled what happened at a retreat involving the mayor’s staff — including OPM — when the first forecasts of an economic downturn came in. The city’s chief economist pointed out at the time, Fischburg said, that while income hadn’t grown in a few years, corporate and personal debt had. In Fischburg’s view, “overconsumption” resulted from people trying to fill their lives with things instead of real relationships with people. His visit to Sustainable West Seattle tonight is part of his ongoing effort to work with groups reaching out to engage people. And that’s exactly what followed, for the rest of the meeting, with SWS attendees discussing how to create opportunities for interaction not only as a group at meetings, but also as individuals. A project list was created with activity ideas such as potlucks and edible-garden planting, to create chances for members to get to know each other better outside of meetings. One more SWS note from tonight: The group’s revamped website now offers podcasts, starting with highlights from the Sustainable West Seattle Festival two weeks ago; you’ll find the links on the left side of the SWS main page, and the podcast from tonight’s meeting is promised “shortly.”
From the WSB inbox today, an announcement of the next La Leche League meeting in West Seattle:
Date: Monday, May 25th 2009
Time: 10:30 am – 12 noon
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the last Monday.
Location: Seaview Methodist Church
Street: Graham Ave SW between 46th & 45th
Phone: 206 932 9912Notes: Bring your children, your breastfeeding questions, stories, and triumphs, your partner, mother, sister or other support person, and whatever else you need to our West Seattle meeting. We always discuss the challenges faced by each mother, but, we also have a rotating roster of topics we cover on a four month rotation
Here is a description of our group:
La Leche League of West Seattle is a mother-to-mother support group for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and their partners and children. We provide mother-to-mother support for women wherever they are in their breastfeeding journey.
WSB publishes announcements as they come in and links them to our Announced page; the calendar listings, by date, appear on our Events calendar page. Send your announcement any time to editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
Aviva from Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle shares that photo of Walking on Logs, decorated in anticipation of this Saturday’s Edible Garden Fair. She also sent along the latest news about what’s in store for fairgoers:
The West Seattle Edible Garden Fair is coming up next weekend – Saturday, May 23rd, 9:30-4:00 at South Seattle Community College. This day of classes and panels is a great place for food gardeners to learn something new and get inspired. The lineup of talks includes: (see below – choose some which would appeal to your readers) The full printable schedule with descriptions: www.gleanit.org/Sched.pdf.
Ahead – more on what’s at the EG Fair – including a chance for you to bring in and “recycle” old garden items – and highlights from the list of local experts you can meet and hear from:Read More
The photo at left is from a recent Green Seattle Partnership-affiliated work party at Lincoln Park, exactly the kind of work party that Green Seattle’s Joanna Nelson evangelized at tonight’s Highland Park Action Committee, saying “If everyone in Seattle volunteered (in forest restoration) once every five years, we’d be done.” She talked about the organization’s hopes of having “all the forested areas in Seattle in restoration by 2025” — bringing back conifers, which live for hundreds of years, instead of the relatively short-lived trees like alder and maple that sprung up after the native conifers were cleared. But it’s all about volunteer help, she stressed. HPAC is having a Westcrest Park “mini-summit” at next month’s meeting, according to HPAC chair Dan Mullins, who is proposing that a committee be formed to oversee restoration work at that park, which is part of the West Duwamish Greenbelt; Nelson mentioned a small pilot project expected to start soon. (As she also noted, restoration work is done elsewhere in the WDG by the Nature Consortium.) Green Seattle is one of three environmentally oriented organizations appearing at tonight’s HPAC meeting; more coverage to come. (P.S. Green Seattle’s website has a list of work parties happening here and elsewhere in the city, and we include West Seattle events in the WS Weekend Lineup every Friday.)
We’re at the Highland Park Improvement Club, where the Highland Park Action Committee is hosting three speakers focused on environmental issues/concerns during its monthly meeting. The first up, Jim Nolan from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, is taking questions on the Lafarge cement plant nearby and its effects on area air, and he says an announcement should be forthcoming about an agreement between Lafarge and the EPA regarding all the company’s plants nationwide and a major reduction in emissions, with a new system that will have to be up and running by next April. More details of Nolan’s presentation — which also addressed other local air-pollution concerns — later; he also noted that you can check current air-quality conditions any time at the PSCAA website (here’s the link).
Less than two months now till West Seattle Summer Fest, the street festival in The Junction. We’ve already reported on the big-name headliner for Night 1, Mudhoney – but now, the rest of the music slate is “nearly complete,” and booker Jason Fitzgerald — who enthuses, “This is by far the best lineup yet!” — is sharing the news on who will be playing during the festival’s three-day run July 10-12:
Mudhoney (www.myspace.com/mudhoney)
Mark Pickerel & His Praying Hands (www.myspace.com/markpickerelandhisprayinghands)
The Magic Mirrors (www.myspace.com/themagicmirrors)
The Dimes (www.myspace.com/thedimes)
McTuff (www.myspace.com/mctuffmusic)
70 Proof (1970’s guitar rock cover songs performed by Andrew McKeag & Jason Finn of The Presidents, Mike Musburger of The Posies, Kurt Bloch from The Fastbacks, Ben London from Alcohol Funnycar and special guests!)
Thee Sgt Major III (www.myspace.com/sgtmajortheband)
Super Sonic Soul Pimps (www.myspace.com/intellijamus)
Black Panties (www.myspace.com/blackpantiesrock)
The Tripwires (www.myspace.com/thetripwires)
Team Gina (www.myspace.com/teamgina)
Derby (www.myspace.com/derbyrock)
We Are Golden (www.myspace.com/wearegoldenmusic)
The Lonely Forest (www.myspace.com/thelonelyforest)
Kim Virant (www.myspace.com/kimvirant)
Trombone Cake (www.myspace.com/trombonecake2007)
Kristen Ward (www.myspace.com/kristenwardmusic)
Capping Day (www.myspace.com/cappingday)
Green Pajamas (www.myspace.com/greenpajamas)
Carrie Clark & The Lonesome Lovers (www.myspace.com/carrieclark)
Strange Jerome (www.myspace.com/strangejerome)
Mighty Shiny (www.myspace.com/mightyshiny)
Half Light (www.myspace.com/halflightseattle)
Olympic Sound Collective (www.myspace.com/olympicsoundcollective)
Hurricane Chaser (www.myspace.com/hurricanechasermusic)
Swamp Soul (www.swampsoulband.com/music.html)
Gunbunny (www.myspace.com/wearegunbunny)
Pillow Army (www.myspace.com/pillowarmy)
Ranger & The Re-Arrangers (www.myspace.com/rangerandtherearrangers)
The Toucans (www.tradebit.com/filedetail.php/1559701-toucans-steel-drum-band)
Supermassive (www. supermassivemusic.com)
Fitzgerald adds, “The dates and times for these performances will be published later. And, as always, it’s all FREE!”
Update on our earlier report about Jack Block Park‘s weekend shutdown, blamed on power problems: Peter McGraw with the Port of Seattle tells WSB that maintenance crews have traced the trouble to a blown transformer. Most areas of the park – except the restrooms – will reopen tomorrow morning, he says, until some point tomorrow afternoon (possibly around 3 pm) when they’ll be closed again so transformer-repair work can be done.
The King County Council has just voted unanimously (by acclamation, in a voice vote) to appoint Kurt Triplett (photo left; bio here) as interim King County Executive, serving until after this November’s election (in which he is not running for the job). He’s technically already got that job, having been elevated to it when Ron Sims left for his new federal job; he served for six years as Sims’ chief of staff. The other finalist was former Seattle mayor Charles Royer. Before this afternoon’s vote, several councilmembers said a major argument for keeping Tripllet is that continuity and stability are vital right now, since the county and region are going through “tough times,” as Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer put it, saying “we have to be united in the financial crisis that this county faces.” Right after the vote, Triplett entered the council chambers, hugged councilmembers, and began his speech by saying “I’m speechless”; he’s expected to take the oath of office tomorrow.
This just in from Matt Schlede of the West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor):
Last week to register for Adult Co-ed Softball through the West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA, registration closes Friday.
Season starts June 3rd, and ends August 6th. One game a week on either Wednesday or Thursday nights at Evergreen Fields. $700 for member teams (50% of team must by Y members) or $750 for non-member teams.
Contact Matt at 937-1000 or mschlede@seattleymca.org with questions or to be put on the free-agent list.
Just announced by ArtsWest:
What: SPS 7th Annual Showcase of New Works,
When: May 29, 30 & 31, 7:00 pm
Price: $5Where: ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery
4711 California Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98116
Box Office: (206) 938-0339Seattle Playwrights Studio (SPS) presents its 7th Annual Showcase of New Works, May 29, 30 and 31 at ArtsWest. This exciting program commemorates the eighth anniversary of the founding of SPS, and highlights the works in progress of its 21 members.
The 7th Annual Showcase of New Works comprises three evenings of staged readings, performed by local actors. Each night offers a completely different sampling of plays, followed by a reception where the audience can enjoy refreshments and conversation with the writers and actors.
Friday night features work by Lyn Coffin, Kirsten Fatland, Carl Nelson and Ann Teplick.
Saturday: Lea Galanter, Judy Jacobs, Babs Lindsay and Jeff Mandels.
Sunday: Scot Bastian, Len Goodisman, Mavis Lamb, George Savage and Dave Tucker.SPS was created to provide the opportunity for playwrights to hear their plays-in-progress read aloud and to receive moderated feedback from fellow writers in a supportive environment. Under the support of ArtsWest, SPS meets three times per month.
Works developed within SPS have been professionally produced and have received both national and international recognition:
– Five SPS members will have productions and honorable mentions at this year’s Bill and Peggy Hunt Playwrights Contest sponsored by the Burien Little Theater.
– Two members have plays in the upcoming Kansas City Women’s Playwriting Festival.
– Other members’ works have or will soon receive readings or productions at Eclectic Theater, Theater Puget Sound’s Theatre 4, off off Broadway theatre Where Eagles Dare and the Last Frontier Theatre Conference.
Lots of bike riders in WSB-land, we’ve learned, so we’re sharing another announcement from the city – this time, seeking members for the mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Board:Read More
As we mentioned this morning, a briefing on the city’s “tree audit” was on the Seattle City Council agenda today. Here’s the council’s announcement on what happened and what’s next – starting with another discussion this Friday:Read More
Out of the WSB inbox:
We are delighted to have Thomas A. Carr, City Attorney, and Beth Gappert, Assistant City Attorney, as our speakers this month. Mr. Carr will explain the precinct liaison program and Beth will let us know how she works in partnership with the Southwest Precinct.
Lt. Steven Paulsen will also be available for questions regarding the recent shooting on Alki and any neighborhood concerns.
Please come join us and bring your questions and concerns. Remember, the police are present, every time.
Tuesday, May 19th, 7pm at the Southwest Precinct. See you there!
West Seattle Crime Prevention Council
(From left, Kennan-Meyer Architecture‘s senior architect Kit Newman and owner Lisa Kennan-Meyer)
Today, we welcome a new WSB sponsor: Kennan-Meyer Architecture. Kennan-Meyer has been in West Seattle for 18 years. You know their work from their offices at 5426 California SW (map), and from the photos you can see on their website. The firm specializes in all aspects of housing, from remodels to new homes and multi-family projects. Owner Lisa Kennan-Meyer says her firm is uniquely suited to understanding new homes and remodeling in West Seattle: “Our firm has extensive knowledge about local architecture, local codes, and local climate patterns. I grew up in Seattle and went to Architecture School at the University of Washington, so I am connected to the design and building community. I know the area, the materials that work here, and the ideas that are best left in the southwest or the desert. Local architecture and development patterns are unique to a region, and its materials, weather, and lifestyle. We bring all those items into consideration in working with our clients.” Lisa says Kennan-Meyer Architecture‘s clients have called their work “gifted,” and she’s been complimented on her firm’s listening skills and down-to-earth common sense. Kennan-Meyer Architecture is a member of AIA (American Institute of Architects), Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties, and Solar Energy International. They can be contacted at www.kennanmeyerarch.com and 206-938-1970.
Thanks to Kennan-Meyer Architecture for supporting 24/7 community news, information and discussion by sponsoring West Seattle Blog; our full list of sponsors is here, as is info on how to join them!
Just out of the WSB inbox (editor@westseattleblog.com):
Lee’s Martial Arts is offering 3 Summer Camps this year for children ages 5-12 years old.
The dates are:
Monday, July 13th – Friday July 17th
Monday, July 27th- July 31st
Monday, August 10th -August 14thCost: $200 (Discounts and Financial scholarships available). For more information please contact Lisa Skvarla @ 206-938-3375
This report is from a WSBer who asked to be anonymous. She saw a man vandalizing a Junction wall with hate graffiti this morning and says she also heard him utter an anti-gay slur; she’s reported it to the police but in light of the recent reports of anti-gay graffiti vandalism elsewhere in West Seattle, she wanted to share the information with you too in case it’s someone you see or have seen – read on:Read More
Received today from the West Seattle Garden Club:
May 22, 2009, Friday, 10 AM to 2 PM will be the last regular meeting of the West Seattle Garden Club for their current year, until September. Meeting at the Alki Congregational Church, 6115 SW Hinds Street.
The morning program will be in Honor of Past Presidents of the Club, Presentations to Outgoing Officers and the Installation of New Officers for the coming 2009-2010 year. Commentary on Design and Horticulture Exhibits. Lunch at noon will be a “Cold Food” Potluck provided by members, with dessert and beverages served by the club. The afternoon program will be given by Gwen Bell on “Hostas,” showing slides and sharing her knowledge and love of these striking shade plants. Visitors are welcome. $5.00 donation. More information available at 932-2540.
Just announced by Life Church in Westwood:
Life Church of West Seattle is offering a Summer Day Camp, “KIDS ON THE GO…,” for children ages 5-10 years.
The day camp runs June 15th-August 21st. Hours are 8:30AM – 4:00PM.
Before camp care and after camp care is available from 7:00AM-8:30AM & 4:00PM-6:00PM.
This is not a day care program. The program is recreational and educational, and includes activities such as a swimming lesson (twice a week), and daily field trips all around Puget Sound.
A nutritious breakfast is included in the cost of children attending the before camp program.
A morning and afternoon snack along with a nutritional lunch is included in the camp
fees and will be provided for all campers.The after camp program is a structured program including activities, singing and training on musical instruments.
Registration is open now .The registration fee, which is $75.00, includes 2 t-shirts and must be paid in full to hold the camper’s spot.
A discount will be given to those who prepay for any four weeks,per child, in advance.
Call now for fees and additional information.
The contact information is as follows:
Life Ministries Summer Day Camp
3420 SW Cloverdale Street
Seattle, WA 98126
It would usually be a great place to enjoy the West Seattle sunshine – but this weekend, much of Jack Block Park on the Harbor Avenue waterfront was closed, according to several notes we received from WSBers wondering why. Jack Block Park is operated by the Port of Seattle; here’s what we found out by calling Peter McGraw, media officer for the port: “We have some blown fuses – an electricity problem we found out about on Friday, affecting the restroom areas and some walkways, so we had to shut them down for public safety, affecting about two thirds of the park.” He says crews were working over the weekend to try to fix the electrical problem and are back out at the park today; he’s expecting a status report in early afternoon – we’ll let you know when that new info is available.
(Delridge Playfield wading pool, photographed last year)
Recalling last summer’s West Seattle wading-pool controversy, we’ve been checking with Seattle Parks and Recreation from time to time, inquiring about this year’s plan for the city-run wading pools. Last week, we were told news was imminent. Never did get an announcement, but the 2009 schedule has now turned up on the Parks website — without fanfare or announcements, even though it includes some rather dramatic news we don’t recall hearing before: 11 of the city’s 25 wading pools will not open at all this year, while 8 others will open later than usual, explained by the city in the schedule document as follows:
… because of the need to complete federally required safety improvements required by the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. The Act, enacted by Congress and signed into law in December 2008, requires that all owners of pools and spas install specified new drain covers and second anti-entrapment systems to protect swimmers from possible injury or death caused by getting caught in pool drains. Because of the nationwide demand for the drain covers and anti-entrapment systems and the skilled labor required to install them, there are delays in the work all over the country.
As a result, here’s the plan for West Seattle’s wading pools (although the city cautions that this schedule could slide depending on how the work goes):
*Lincoln Park will open at the start of the season, June 20 (11 am-8 pm daily)
*Delridge Playfield will open July 8 (noon-7 pm daily)
*Hiawatha Playfield will open July 20 (noon-7 pm daily)
*E.C. Hughes Playground will open July 27 (noon-7 pm daily)
*Highland Park will not open this year at all
Note that all four of the West Seattle wading pools that will be open this year are scheduled to be open seven days a week – last year’s controversy involved the fact that only Lincoln Park and Hiawatha, both in western West Seattle, were open on Sundays, while Delridge, Hughes and Highland Park were closed Sundays; three weeks after we first reported on a community campaign to convince Parks to open Delridge on Sundays, the department agreed to do it for the rest of the year. Back to this year: This document has full details on the wading-pool situation citywide. Also note, Southwest Pool is open this summer, unlike last year when it was undergoing renovations; and Colman Pool, the saltwater outdoor swimming facility on the Lincoln Park shore, is scheduled to start its season this Saturday.
First, tonight’s West Seattle highlights:
HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: One week earlier than usual because of Memorial Day, HPAC meets at 7 pm at the Highland Park Improvement Club, after a 6:30 pm potluck dinner. Agenda includes reps from Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Green Seattle Partnership and the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition.
SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE: Two weeks after the well-attended, sun-splashed Sustainable West Seattle Festival, SWS invites all to its monthly meeting at Camp Long Lodge, 7 pm, with Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association founder and former executive director Paul Fischburg as guest speaker, discussing “Volunteerism, Community and Leadership.”
Also of note, today’s county/city council toplines:
KING COUNTY COUNCIL: Today’s big agenda item is appointing an interim King County Executive to serve till a new permanent one is elected in November. Last week, a “blue-ribbon panel” recommended two finalists, Charles Royer and Kurt Triplett; this morning, the council’s Committee of the Whole will interview them and the other 2 candidates, former County Councilmembers Louise Miller and Steve Hammond, starting at 9 am (agenda here). The council then is expected to make the official appointment in its 11 am meeting (agenda here). Both meetings are scheduled to be shown live online.
SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL: During the morning “briefing” session (agenda here), councilmembers are scheduled to hear an update on the city’s tree audit, around 10:15 am. During the afternoon session, a long list of items (agenda here) includes a proposed 10-year lease extension for land north of the West Seattle (Westcrest) Reservoir that’s used by the federal government for air-traffic control communications. The council meetings will be live online here.
One more pre-registration date for SWAC Football and Cheer — June 13, 11 am-2 pm, at Westwood Village Big 5. Registration fee is $100. Games start August 3rd, at Southwest Athletic Complex (east of Southwest Community Center). More info online: swaccougars.org
Bright and early last Friday morning, more than two dozen people gathered in Fauntleroy to hear six West Seattle-area community leaders discuss how their local organizations/service agencies are handling the economy and its effects on the people they serve. The occasion: the annual Community Panel organized by the board of the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor). Though panel members agreed that job losses and other problems are bringing them more clients, who in turn are coping with more anxiety, they also expressed general optimism. Read on for the main points each made, and the understanding that emerged before the event ended:Read More