day : 08/05/2009 13 results

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, now hours away

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009First: Please remember to put out your donation bag for Stamp Out Hunger before you head out to shop or sell. Both local food banks have been pushed to the limit, and then some, in recent months – and whatever you leave out for your letter carrier to pick up tomorrow will go directly to people in need. Now, on to sale notes: We have been busily promoting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day far and wide, with ads (paid as well as freebies) around the metro area, events calendar listings, news releases, Twitter and Facebook updates … plus of course posters around West Seattle … and it’s great to see that even the weather is cooperating. Now, nothing left to do but sell/shop – and, for us, cover the event! We’ll be out and about starting at 7 am, when Alki Lodge #152 (WSB sponsor) is kicking off its early sale … not far from there, we’ll be taking an early look at setup at Hotwire/Ginomai, where dozens of people have signed up for space in the courtyard … and we’ll continue to post photos and updates throughout the day. Most of the coverage will be at, but we’ll have updates here too, as well as on Twitter and Facebook. We promised another mention of the business, school, church, nonprofit participants — here’s that list:
SCHOOLSAlki Co-op Preschool, Bella Mente, Chief Sealth PTSA, Lincoln Park Co-op Preschool, Roxhill Elementary, West Seattle High School Grad Night Committee

NONPROFITS/SERVICE GROUPSAmigos de las Americas – Seattle Chapter, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls-West Seattle Assembly #18, Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, Liberty Tree, Lincoln Park P-Patch, Seattle Glee Clubs, Southwest Seattle Historical Society/Log House Museum, Southwest Youth and Family Services

CHURCHES: Grace Church, Hope Lutheran Youth New Orleans Mission Trip, Seaview Methodist, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation

BUSINESSES: Brunette Mix (WSB sponsor), C and P Coffee (courtyard group sale), CF West Seattle, Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), Freshy’s Coffee, Hotwire courtyard group sale (plus Ginomai lot), Muttley Crew Cuts and English Springer Rescue America, Sharon’s Westwood Florist, Shotridge Studios, Riverhouse Creperie

More bright and early … if you haven’t gotten your map yet, follow the “how to get the map” tab at

One more school note: Chief Sealth advances in “spirit” poll

Thanks to Lee for e-mailing to let us know that Chief Sealth High School has now made it to round 3 in KIRO TV’s online “High School Spirit” poll – winning the round 1 matchup against West Seattle High School and round 2 against Renton. Now, CSHS is pitted against Liberty. Voting’s open now – go here.

West Seattle schools and students: 4 reasons to celebrate

May 8, 2009 7:37 pm
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 |   West Seattle people | West Seattle schools

Four sets of congratulations for local students and schools. First, Greg Dirks of Fauntleroy sends this note about his son Matthew Dirks, a Kennedy High School senior:

He was recently named “Merit Scholar” by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and was awarded with a $2500 scholarship. He is also a Washington State Scholar and will be attending a lunch hosted by Governor Gregoire on May 20th in Olympia. He will be attending the University of Chicago in the Fall. Matthew also led Kennedy’s Knowledge Bowl team to win the State Championship, beating out 65 schools including Lakeside and Garfield.

Greg adds that Kennedy had a pep rally this afternoon to celebrate. Meantime, congratulations are in order for the Seattle Lutheran High School fastpitch team, which won its fourth consecutive league championship by beating Rainier Christian last night. Bil Hood from SLHS says, “The Saints went undefeated in league and hope to continue a 3-year run of State Tournament appearances.” The district tournament starts next Friday; keep an eye on for the latest.
Now, two items from the Seattle Public Schools “School Beat” newsletter, sent out within the past few hours:

Chief Sealth High School students Max Forbes and Lydia Duncan took second place in the novice division at the Puget Sound Computer Teachers Association programming contest held April 25. They competed against 25 teams representing 10 schools in the area. The novice team of students Megan Korling, Yousef Hassan and Paul Duncan also competed.

The Chief Sealth PTSA is participating in West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow – stop by the school for not just shopping, but also a bake sale and hot dogs. West Seattle High School is participating in WSCGSD too, with a Grad Night Fundraiser sale and car wash. Second item from School Beat came with a photo:

Madison sixth-graders create China museum

A team of 150 students on Madison Middle School’s sixth-grade Apollo Team created an ancient China museum as a school project. Students were given two weeks to conduct research on the ancient civilization of China. Then, from their research findings, they created handcrafted artifacts. Exhibit cards described the artifacts, its significance and the dynasty. Students put the artifacts together for their peers and community members to view. Some students received a “Best in the Museum Award.â€

West Seattle Crime Watch: Alerts about house, car prowlers

First, from Karen in Admiral:

We had a prowler visit early this AM. I want people to know, because I live on a quiet dead-end alley. … Last night at 12:30 AM. My dog started to bark. It was raining hard. I thought it was lightning outside because I saw a white light in my bedroom. I stood up and looked out my second story bedroom window. Below I saw a blonde, clean-cut man in my garage with a flashlight. We made eye contact and he said something to someone else and split. They may have been caught in the act and didn’t have time to take anything. It appears that everything is still there. This took place (in the 3200 block of) 46th Ave SW [map].

Second, from Cheri in Sunrise Heights:

I just wanted to throw a warning out for anyone living in the 29th and Webster area [map]. Last night or early this morning my mothers car was broken into, they tore everything about as if to be looking for something specific. They only took a few dollars in change, only cause there was nothing else of value. They sure maid a mess though!! So remember to lock your cars!!

West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival’s 2009 float debuts this weekend

May 8, 2009 3:10 pm
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 |   West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival | West Seattle news

We checked in with West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival president Tim Winston to ask how construction of the “How Sweet It Is” float (Junior Court’s idea, as chosen last December) was going – since the float is scheduled to debut in the Sequim Irrigation Festival parade tomorrow – and he sent photos, along with this update:

As usual for Hi-Yu, the volunteers have been able to get just enough done, just in time. Float chair (& Hi-Yu VP) Deena Mahn completed the float with much help from her family and a crew of helpers. Life Church @ 35th & Cloverdale has been kind enough to allow us to do assembly in their parking lot.

We are using our current trailer, but hoping to enlist sponsors to allow us to order a new *enclosed* trailer soon.

We’ve reported on the fundraising drive before, here (contact info’s in this story). This float represents West Seattle in parades all over the region throughout the late spring and summer, including not only West Seattle’s own American Legion Grand Parade (here’s one of our stories from last year) coming up July 18, but also the huge Seafair Torchlight Parade one week after that.

Just 3 weeks to “College Night” at West Seattle’s own SSCC

May 8, 2009 2:30 pm
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 |   Puget Ridge | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

You can go to college without leaving West Seattle – and if you don’t already know all about South Seattle Community College on Puget Ridge, a huge chance to find out during a one-stop-shopping event is just 3 weeks away – here’s the latest from SSCC about “College Night” May 28:Read More

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day eve: Fab forecast, etc.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009Forecast for tomorrow: Mostly sunny! So — got your map yet for the 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow, sales 9 am-3 pm all over the peninsula? No worries, here’s how. If you have an early copy of the preprinted map (say, from picking it up at our table at last Sunday’s Sustainable West Seattle Festival), a couple notes – #179 has had to cancel at the last minute; on the first map page, north of SW Brandon, be sure to check out a few sales in the far west and a few in the far east whose number markers may have been cut off on some early versions of the printed copy (the “ad” listings are complete in all versions, however), including #56 in Pigeon Point, #36 and #37 along Beach Drive, #74 (Southwest Youth and Family Services!) and #75 in North Delridge. SWYFS just sent out an e-mail blast and it looks like they’re having a raffle too!

COME ONE, COME ALL — 4555 Delridge WAY SW

Or if you want to start fresh with your WSCGSD map, just print the updated copy here (8-page PDF here). If you want to browse around online and look more closely at your neighborhood and what’s happening, check out the clickable Google Map here. Reminder, besides the short “ad” listings on the map (and if you click a number on the Google Map version, it’ll bring up a “balloon” with that sale’s ad text), we’re also offering sellers the chance to post in the WSB Forums‘ Freebies, Deals, Sales section (where you are welcome to post a yard sale ANY time, free, as the season goes on) with as much info as they want to say about their sales – so far, here’s what we have:
Click! Design That Fits‘ (WSB sponsor) Forum post about the sale
Amigos de las Americas, Seattle Chapter, Forum post about fundraising WSCGSD sale
This sale in Arbor Heights has set up its own website –
Here’s another sale description in the Forums – including cribs!
This one detailed in the Forums has plus-size clothes and computer paraphernalia
Read the map closely, online or in print – some spots are having bake sales and free refreshments too!

Then there’s the big Hotwire/Ginomai group sale spot in The Junction (details here along with block-sale addresses); C&P Coffee has multiple participants in its courtyard too; and Alki Lodge #152 even took out a separate WSB ad to shine the spotlight on its 7 am-4 pm fundraiser sale.

Another shoutout coming up later for the schools and businesses that are participating too – and we’ll pitch again, send us a photo tomorrow – we’ll be running around taking pix but won’t make it to all 183 – and to enter the contests (most creative sign and most unusual item bought/sold), send us pix, info on which sale they’re from, your name/contact info – – We’ll be posting “live” at from morning till post-sale; and if you write about the sale afterward on your personal website and wouldn’t mind being linked here, send us that link too. During the event, we’ll also send little bulletins via Twitter – if you’re out and about shopping, you can subscribe to Twitter via your mobile phone (we’ll do this via @westseattleblog).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen boat/trailer, “easy to spot”

Out of the WSB inbox, from Eric:

I had my small boat stolen last night from my alley in Arbor Heights (41st and 100th) between 8 last night and 7 this morning. It should be easy to spot and identify as it is bright yellow. The boat is a 1988 12 foot Duroboat with WA hull ID number WN-6743LD and the boat is yellow on top and aluminum on the bottom. It was on a galvanized (silver) trailer license number 2990TL. The trailer should be easy to spot as well as there aren’t too many boat trailers with small mismatched 8″ wheels (hey, I had a flat last week).

Another helpful ID point may be that the boat was upside-down on the trailer when stolen to keep the rain out. Most thieves aren’t know for their housekeeping skills so it is probably still upside-down on the trailer.

He’s reported this to Seattle Police, so if you call them with a sighting, they should be able to cross-reference.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Garage Sale Day, with bells on

May 8, 2009 11:12 am
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | Fun stuff to do | WS culture/arts | WS Weekend Lineup

Actually the bells have nothing to do with tomorrow’s WSB-sponsored West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day wswllicon3.png(9 am-3 pm, get your map here!), but Bells of the Sound performs in West Seattle tonight, and with West Seattleites in their rank, we thought you’d like to see what they’re all about (this clip’s on the wild side) – 7:30 tonight at Tibbetts Church in The Junction. Meantime, tomorrow’s also the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive (PLEASE put a bag out before you go garage-saling – it’ll be picked up right at your mailbox/door!) and the Gateway cleanup followup – MUCH more going on, totaling more than 40 events in the full West Seattle Weekend Lineup, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club:Read More

Seattle Chinese Garden: See how it’s progressing

By Jonathan Stumpf
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

In northern West Seattle, just north of South Seattle Community College on a 4.6-acre plot of land, a project is under development that upon completion will house a unique Chinese garden, the only one of its kind outside of China, and tomorrow is your next chance for one of its monthly guided tours, so we visited recently to see how it’s progressing.

The project is a collaborative work in progress between Seattle and its sister city in China, Chongqing and this site was chosen for its commanding views of the Cascades, Olympics and downtown.

The idea was first started in 1986 while then-Mayor Charles Royer was on a trade mission to Chongqing and 23 years later, the Seattle Chinese Garden — now a nonprofit organization—is slowly helping to bring this project into fruition.

What’s taking so long?

Read More

Video: 80th-birthday blessings for a cherished OLG helper

That’s Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s Father Jack Walmesley blessing Delores Chapman, OLG School‘s recess supervisor – with help, as you can hear in the video! – in honor of her 80th birthday. She’s been at the school for 15 years, and the students not only made birthday cards for her, but presented her with a specially decorated safety vest that put her in a dancing mood:

By the way, the OLG parish has something else to celebrate – completion of its new pastoral center, north of the church and school – an open house has just been announced – read on for details:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 early-morning incidents

Thanks to the folks who e-mailed us a little earlier this morning to ask about a search, and sirens, in the Admiral area, 45th/Admiral vicinity (map). Lt. Ron Smith at the Southwest Precinct tells us that followed “a street robbery of a victim who was walking.” The robbers are described as four males in their late teens; K-9 joined the search but didn’t find them. Lt. Smith also mentioned another incident in the early morning hours — gunshots heard near Sanislo Elementary (map). He says “Officers responded and found three .380 cal. shell casings on the street. There were no reports of injuries, and no property damage was reported or found.”

Volunteers needed: West Seattle Edible Garden Fair 2 weeks away

May 8, 2009 2:34 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Gardening | How to help

We first told you two months ago about the impending West Seattle Edible Garden Fair (WSB story here), with subsequent mentions and reminders along the way as the food-gardening movement continues to grow in West Seattle … now, with two weeks till the May 23 event, Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle is looking for additional volunteer help. The Edible Garden Fair is 9:30 am-4 pm May 23 at South Seattle Community College, tackling topics such as: Growing Gourmet Vegetables, Building Safe and Healthy Soils, Gardening in Small Spaces, Cooking with Northwest Greens, and a Panel on Victory Gardens, Then and Now (full list of presentations here). The soon-to-open West Seattle restaurant Fresh Bistro (in the Mural Apartments [WSB sponsor] building) will provide food samples, and you’ll even get the chance to recycle used garden books and tools. If you can volunteer some time to help with the fair, e-mail Aviva: