West Seattle Weather Watch: No April Fool – that’s snow

(video from WSB HQ added 9:45 am – mostly just to record the proof, for posterity)
Yes, that’s a bit of snow mixed in with the rain right now. Temperature’s currently a few degrees above freezing so not likely to get TOO serious, but the official forecast even mentions it. Last year, if you’ve forgotten, we saw snow as late as April 19th. 10:12 AM NOTE: According to comments also coming in via Twitter (@westseattleblog) – where even a religious leader is complaining about it – Facebook (WS Blog), and e-mail, this is happening all over the place – Tukwila, Kent, Everett, Bremerton, downtown, and myriad West Seattle neighborhoods.

ADDED 10:30 AM: Seems even the little ones have mixed feelings about our endless winter. This photo shared by Bronwyn in Belvidere seems to capture the ambivalence:

25 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: No April Fool - that's snow"

  • The Velvet Bulldog April 1, 2009 (9:33 am)

    Will someone PLEASE hit the “Off” switch????

  • Dreamland April 1, 2009 (9:37 am)

    That’s it. One way ticket to Palm Springs now.

  • Kathleen April 1, 2009 (9:38 am)

    It’s been all snow here in Highland Park for the past 10 minutes.

  • JanS April 1, 2009 (9:39 am)


  • Lytepipe April 1, 2009 (9:41 am)

    Still snowing in North Admiral. Flakes have definitely gotten bigger in the last 10 minutes, although not sticking yet.

  • Rhonda April 1, 2009 (9:46 am)

    There were a few flakes on the Beach Drive side of Alki. But now it is just rain.

  • DLP April 1, 2009 (9:53 am)

    Snow/rain mix just north of the Junction. Sick feeling in stomach while I watch.

  • Under_Achiever April 1, 2009 (10:15 am)

    So, when does Global warming kick in???

  • Paul in Gatewood April 1, 2009 (10:19 am)

    Snowing in Belltown. Bet it’s accumulating at my house. No more……….please no more. I’ve had it.

  • Allie April 1, 2009 (10:29 am)

    Snowing like nuts downtown (at least up here on SMT 38) but not sticking. So far.

  • nudibranch April 1, 2009 (10:48 am)

    Let’s all think “sun”

  • Thomas April 1, 2009 (10:57 am)

    It’s really coming down and all snow up here at work in Lynnwood. Nothing’s sticking up here yet though, so that’s probably a good sign for the further south areas.

  • Kristina April 1, 2009 (11:17 am)

    Like the rest of you, I am DONE with this weather. When will it be done with us? The dog is looking at me mournfully because he wants a walk, and it’s hard to get motivated to take him when it’s this kind of cold, wet chill.

  • Mookie April 1, 2009 (11:22 am)

    I’m with the Please Make it Stop crowd. Can’t believe how conditioned I am now to flinch at the sight of snowflakes! And yes nudibranch, I’m thinking “sun” as hard as I can (and sand, and surf, and blue skies and palm trees, and…)

  • Dreamland April 1, 2009 (11:33 am)

    Sun For the Win!!

  • JH April 1, 2009 (11:51 am)

    I’m downtown and the streets now have about five inches. They’re shutting down all the streets as I type. I’m in a panic! How am I going to drive home?

  • Buddsmom April 1, 2009 (12:08 pm)

    I’m sure you could borrow a snow plow from the city. You know they won’t be using it!

  • JH April 1, 2009 (12:13 pm)

    Thanks Budd! I’m actually riding one right now and typing at the same time. It’s amazing.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident April 1, 2009 (12:22 pm)

    WOW!!! That “Gullible Warming” sure is kicking in!!!

  • miws April 1, 2009 (12:25 pm)



    Hang up and plow!! ;)



  • JH April 1, 2009 (12:36 pm)

    Oh Mike, I’m a passenger-I’m not driving! Though right now we’re stuck in a snowbank ath 7th/Pike, and people on the sidewalk are pointing and laughing at us. I’m so embarrassed. I should really get back to work! I’m getting out of this thing.

  • Paul in Gatewood April 1, 2009 (12:46 pm)

    I grew up in Maine, and lately it feels like Maine is following me :)

  • Lou April 1, 2009 (2:45 pm)

    This is Awesome! What fun weather.

  • cakeitseasy April 1, 2009 (4:41 pm)

    Very sweet picture (the one of the adorable child with the adorable haircut).

    Save the Children of Seattle: Give the gift of Sunshine. This little girl waits on the porch everyday…waiting for a chance to be a child again. A chance to feel the warm rays of the sun on her face a chance…to wear sunscreen. Your donation will help sponsor a child. For the price of a latte a day, you can help lift them out of their desolate environment. So that they may live with hope knowing people, people like you, care. Give today. Or this child may never know what sunglasses are.

  • WSB April 1, 2009 (4:53 pm)

    Like the programs that give city kids a chance to visit the country, we could set up flights for young Seattleites to, oh, say, Florida. Or Hawaii. I have one “It’s gray AGAIN?????” candidate sitting just about 10 feet away … TR

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