West Seattle Weather Watch: That 4-letter word resurfaces

Thursday’s forecast includes the possibility of snow. Just thought you’d want to know.

5 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: That 4-letter word resurfaces"

  • Irukandji February 24, 2009 (9:54 pm)


  • d February 24, 2009 (10:01 pm)

    Sorry, but I’m going into deep denial on this one.

  • J. Frost February 25, 2009 (8:05 am)

    Psssssh. It’s been in the 40s for weeks. There’s no way anything will stick for any length of time.

  • Living in West Seattle since 1985 February 25, 2009 (9:28 am)

    Would that mean March is coming in like a Lion?

  • B'sMomma February 25, 2009 (2:19 pm)

    Uuuuggggghhhhhh! Unfortunately, I remember in early/mid the 1980’s, the 1st day of my new paper route & my sisters’ Birthday…so it had to be the 1st week in March, there was a blizzard! Not kidding. I’m originally from Detroit and that was a day to stay inside!

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