Hard to believe, but 24 hours or so ago, it was sunny, and your WSB co-publishers were wandering around taking photos. We didn’t get a chance to publish them last night but they’re still fresh enough today, so here goes. Above, that’s renowned local sign-painting artist Japhy Witt, detailing coins in the window of … where else … West Seattle Coins, at California/Oregon in The Junction, under the Senior Center – here’s one he’d already completed:

Japhy told us he’s likely detailing vintage bills for the wider window between the two coins. You’ve seen his work at many other West Seattle businesses, including — right across SW Oregon from this project — Shadow Land (here’s WSB coverage from 2007). Other signs that caught our eye included one at a Harbor Avenue development that now has a name:

If you can’t read the sign, it’s “Indus Work/House.” (That last part has an interesting historical connotation, but then again, elsewhere in new-ish West Seattle real estate, so does The Dakota.) And on the other side of the real-estate fence, bright-yellow signs around North Delridge pointed to an “auction” – we followed them, and found this house on SW Nevada, west of 30th SW:

The signs included this web address – the specific listing says the auction is 10 am 2/20, onsite. The yellow sign in the window says minimum bid is $50K. (Here are the latest local foreclosure stats, from Seattle Bubble, which reports King County’s foreclosure total in December – more than 600 – was the second-highest ever [last July, 730, was the highest, in the stats SB uses].)