West Seattle coyote sighting: First one in a while

For a while last year, coyote-sighting reports were coming in almost daily. Then – either the coyotes started keeping a low profile, or else people started getting used to them. At any rate, we got a sighting report tonight, so we’re sharing what Kim sent:

Hello, We live on 51st Place west of Edmunds St above Beach Drive [map]. Our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (a small one, just 12 lbs) went crazy barking this morning. As I looked out the window I saw a coyote. He/she (was) about the size of a German Shepherd. I had only let our dog in from being outside a few minutes before. Very scary, therefore I told the family Prince must go in his pen when outside. He has gotten used to a pen because of a close encounter with a raccoon last summer.

Previous WSB’er coyote reports (many with photos) are archived here, newest to oldest. State-collected info on coexisting with coyotes can be found here.

6 Replies to "West Seattle coyote sighting: First one in a while"

  • Jiggers January 10, 2009 (2:02 am)

    Leave them alone..

  • JH January 10, 2009 (8:13 am)

    I have coyotes practically living in my yard bordering Schmitz Park. They’re very skittish and usually won’t bother you (I can’t speak for small dogs or cats-I’ve found cat fur in my yard)! They were howling and yipping like crazy last night. I love hearing them-it’s like living in the country.

  • Jiggers January 10, 2009 (3:31 pm)

    Coyotes don’t howl near humans. They have a soft barking sound like a dog does so it they don’t expose themselves.

  • Longfellar January 10, 2009 (5:33 pm)

    We have coyotes beside us in Longfellow Creek greenbelt. I love to hear them yipping at night too when they are on the hunt in a pack, but haven’t heard them for a while. Occasionally we will hear them yip when sirens go by and I’m suprised by how close they are…

  • JH January 11, 2009 (10:30 pm)

    Jiggers-they howl/yip almost every night near my house. Obviously they don’t know I’m a human in this house, but they’re right on the edge of my yard. They woke me up every night this week. They sleep in my yard. They leave cat fur in my yard. When I do have the rare chance to see them, they run off. But they do howl!

  • JA January 13, 2009 (2:46 pm)

    I was awakened at 4 am today by yipping which I first thought was a woman screaming (man was I scared!) – then I realized I was hearing coyotes and opened the front door. The yips and howls were echoing across the little valley of Delridge/Longfellow Creek which was very cool!! I had never heard them in the city before. (I’m glad my cats are indoor only.)

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