COFFEE AT THE HEIGHTS: An e-mail inquiry reminded us we hadn’t checked on this in-the-works coffee shop (next to the laundromat at 35th/Webster) since this update last fall. So we asked the proprietors of PB&J Textiles, who are putting in the shop (and also operate the laundromat). After slowing the project down for a while, they say, it’s about to rev up again, with electrical work next week and cabinets after that – so opening day shouldn’t be TOO far away.
AND ACROSS THE STREET … from where Coffee at the Heights is brewing, county records confirm a recent tip we got that the former Carosello Coffee space (which had many names before it closed more than a year ago) at 7350 35th SW finally has been sold. Multiple sources say a salon is going in. The new owner has the same name as the operator of a salon on Delridge; we’re checking both locations for a link (although someone may beat us to confirmation while we’re out driving around!).
WEST SEATTLE MOTORS DRIVES INTO THE SUNSET: Thanks to Lora at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) for pointing out that the sign on this Triangle business along Fauntleroy Way has switched its blazing-red scrolling message from “Liquidation Sale” to “Gone Out of Business.” This was West Seattle’s last remaining car-sales business; we reported in May 2007 about its name change from Bob Ochsner Cars.