West Seattle snow: Late-night motorized mayhem?

Once again this very-early morning, we’re hearing on the scanner that police are being called out to deal with allegedly rowdy sledders and snowmobilers on Charlestown hill (a few blocks west of California SW). That reminded us that the above photos had come in on Monday with the following beef:

OK, so maybe I am getting a bit older these days but having six 4-wheel ATV’s and a snowmobile tearing up Alki at 11:45 pm is a bit much… Loud and obnoxious, will we have to wait until one of them hits a pole or worse yet a person out enjoying the snow for a walk? I get using one to run up to Safeway or the Met, but does Alki Beach have to turn into an obstacle race course if it snows?

Included are pictures of the result of these folks. Unfortunate result of what should have been another beautiful scene from that master artist in the sky… Instead we have dirt kicked up from the doughnuts and loud racing last and previous nights. I doubt this activity is legal, these folks are going way too fast for my comfort level having my car parked on Alki Ave and friends/neighbors out and about.

Sincerely, Concerned at Alki

18 Replies to "West Seattle snow: Late-night motorized mayhem?"

  • Traci December 23, 2008 (2:24 am)

    They’ve been driving up Avalon as far as Luna Park… Definitely illegal, but more importantly (to me) ANNOYING!

    Who here owns snowmobiles!!??! I understood it when I lived in Eastern WA for 5 years, but West Seattle?

  • Forest December 23, 2008 (4:07 am)

    Some clowns on snowmobiles have been driving around the running track and across the baseball diamond at Hiawatha Playfield. Until the snow melts, there’s no telling how much snowmobile damage is getting inflicted on all the public parks around West Seattle, but I imagine that Lincoln Park is suffering the most.

  • todd December 23, 2008 (5:45 am)

    Then call the cops… 911 will take care of it better than ranting on the internet. At the very least at 11:45pm it’s considered disturbing the peace.

  • Krystal December 23, 2008 (7:42 am)

    Don’t worry, you aren’t getting old :) That’s totally obnoxious and I would also call the cops.

  • patricia December 23, 2008 (7:53 am)

    After Alki then the ATM group heads over to Bar-S, wheelies in the parking lot and then cuts between the concrete barriers to exit to the south. They move so fast, and if they don’t know the area well it’s an ugly accident that could happen if they crash into the fencing, barriers, bollards etc…I’m sure very illegal and dangerous, lots of neighbors take an evening stroll thru the park. And yes disturbing the peace too at a late hour!!!

  • Bob Loblaw December 23, 2008 (8:03 am)

    Damn you kids, get off my lawn!

  • Creighton December 23, 2008 (8:54 am)

    Have your camera handy, and take some pics (even blurry ones) next time you see them. That way we might be able to track them down (parents or neighbors might recognize them?). Granted, the last time I heard them, it was 3am and I’m not too handy with my camera then, but if you can get a pic, please share. Or if you really have time to kill follow their tracks back to their house and rubber stamp “Stupid” on their forehead so we’ll all know who they are.

  • WSratsinacage December 23, 2008 (9:22 am)

    This is sad. The city needs more snow plows. WS has barely been plowed except for the bridge from what I have seen. We got like a foot of snow.
    No garbage pick up for 2 weeks now! Crows are having a field day. People are atv ing all around at all hours, noisy as hell, roads are closed because they are so steep so people ski, snowboard, and sled down them at all hours. The other night they lit a bon fire in the middle of the street were drinking into the night.

  • mike December 23, 2008 (9:28 am)

    Sorry to say they’d have to be completely stupid to get caught by the cops. They can move much faster and more agile than a rear wheel cop car with chains.

    I’m shocked that there is that many ‘hooligans’ with snowmobiles. Where does anyone get the space!

  • worms Roxanne, I'm afraid of worms. December 23, 2008 (9:30 am)

    The top of the Charlestown hill has been like the Lord of the Flies High school since last Wednesday. Man those kids can drink a lot of Natural Ice.

    The amount of burnt wood, strewn cans and bottles is a problem.

  • B-squared December 23, 2008 (9:57 am)

    And they have been to Lincoln park. they were running up and down 48th, on the sidewalk and all around the seaview neighborhood. i’m sure if enough people phone in to complain, the cops could do something. out running a cop, would be a nice additional fine, along with all the other things (littering, property damage, wreckless endangerment, disturbing the peace….) the cops could tack on to make it worth their while.

  • ann December 23, 2008 (11:05 am)

    I really don’t have an issue with 4wheelers and snowmobiles on the streets as I’ve lived places where this is the norm during the winter.

    However, I do have issues with kids flying down residential streets at about 50 mph. Grrrrrr.

  • Jeffro December 23, 2008 (11:28 am)

    I went up to Charlestown hill the first morning and already the drinking and smoking had started. The most annoying part of it was that it was adults (in their 40s) that were providing the Bud Lites. Spokane St hill was a little more welcoming to all but now it’s got forties and beer cans all over too. And the Snow Closure signs are totally shredded from people sledding on them, which means that cars are starting to think the street is safe to drive down. Not cool.

  • WSratsinacage December 23, 2008 (2:01 pm)

    ann made the point I failed to make. My issue is with kids riding with 3 and 4 people to an atv with no helmets driving balls to the wall fast and doing so at all hours of the day/night. This is not the country, there are people trying to walk and occasionally drive around the neighborhood. Some of us have to go to work the next day unlike the joy riders. Have some consideration. Not everyone is on vacation this week and last week. If you want to ski and drink, light fires, go to the pass.

  • k December 23, 2008 (6:25 pm)

    My brother’s friend died while riding one of those.
    Needless to say I believe people who ride ATVs in this way are risking their life and the lives of others. My wish is that no one dies from this.
    Other people in other parts of Seattle have already been injured from taking stupid risks while sledding.

  • Cleveland Ken December 23, 2008 (6:48 pm)

    Yup, you all are getting old. Once again people have to come down on people having a good time. If you had a snowmobile or a Quad you would be running all over the place. Tell me when do you get this much snow in your back yard to break out the sleds. I hope they come by my house so I can get a ride.

  • Chris December 23, 2008 (10:46 pm)

    Hey folks, I DID call the cops and they didn’t show up by the time they left. They said it would be a while due to the conditions. Thanks for assuring me they are a nuisance and it’s not me. Hey Cleveland Ken, my friend is an XRay tech at a local hospital and she informed me that one of THOSE riders tore their knee up pretty bad that night. Happy SAFE Holidays everyone!

  • Cleveland Ken December 25, 2008 (9:42 am)

    Hey Chris, those things happen when you do things that get you off your couch and actually do things outside. You can fall on the ice going to your car and kill yourself driving in this crap. I see most can’t drive in this stuff and should be off the road but you don’t say anything about that. You could easily tear yourself up out in the mountains but here you are closer to the hospital so who is stupid now?

Sorry, comment time is over.