West Seattle snow aftermath: Three more tidbits

December 27, 2008 2:16 pm
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#1 – If you still suspect snow is swamping a storm drain near you, Seattle Public Utilities‘ Andy Ryan offers one more tidbit for finding it:

In general, most drains are located at natural low points along roadways or at the curb around intersections. Also, if someone is walking along a road, they might be able to get a sense of where the lowest area might be (at the bottom of a hill, at a dip in the road, next to a curb in a parking lot that collects water.

#2 – Yes, the West Seattle Farmers’ Market will resume tomorrow (after missing last week), 10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska. WSFM management notes it was the first time in FIFTEEN YEARS they decided to cancel a market for “scary weather.” (If you are a WSB newcomer, note that we always publish the link to the latest “Ripe and Ready” Farmers’ Market list early Sunday morning, for WSFM shoppers’ convenience.)

#3 – Guess what – Tamsen in Morgan Junction sent this follow-up on the garden gnome (here’s yesterday’s look): “My garden gnome is telling me it’s safe to go out ‘there’ now. I’m off to deliver some cookie and fudge trays, two days late and shop for some deals”:

We’re leaving WSB Cave (er, HQ) for a while ourselves.

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