Christmas countdown: The Junction gets decked

Driving through The Junction this afternoon, we spotted the lamp-post wreaths going up. Just in time for various holiday events happening this weekend (as you can see in the latest West Seattle Weekend Lineup). It also gives us a chance to mention that the dates are set for Junction fun you can enjoy before, during, and after shopping trips, as the West Seattle Junction Association (WSB sponsor) reminds you to “Live Local” this holiday season, and beyond. An hour of fun is planned for the West Seattle Junction Christmas-tree lighting, 5 pm December 6, including music and giveaways – dozens of Junction merchants are offering free tickets (available starting next weekend) for December raffling of thousands of dollars in gift certificates, and the tree lighting event will include an announcement of some of the winners (as well as holiday music and surprises). You’ll also see Junction fun on the following Sunday afternoons: December 7, 14, 21, with carriage rides and lots more – instead of picking just one “Hometown Holidays” weekend like last year, they’re spreading out the holiday joy.

5 Replies to "Christmas countdown: The Junction gets decked"

  • JanS November 14, 2008 (3:54 pm)

    Waaaahhh!!! It’s too early…I want hanging turkeys !!!


  • mellaw6565 November 14, 2008 (4:43 pm)

    Bah Humbug – waste of electricity and tinsel.

  • Gina November 14, 2008 (4:51 pm)

    Open question–why isn’t the big tree on the corner of 44th and Alaska the tree that is used for tree lighting? Is it on city property, and not on Junction merchant land?

  • GB November 14, 2008 (6:06 pm)

    Let’s do all of our holiday shopping in West Seattle! Support the Junctions…Alaska, Admiral and Morgan!

  • toddinwestwood November 14, 2008 (7:31 pm)

    Good idea GB. In this time economic turmoil, the big chain stores dont need our support as much as the local retailers do. There is alot less money being spent out there this season, so whatever you do for the holidays, do it at the Junction/W.S. retailers. Support the ‘hood.

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