What’s the quietest coffee shop in West Seattle?

In the WSB Forums, someone’s looking for a little peace and quiet with their java. Maybe you have a suggestion to add?

22 Replies to "What's the quietest coffee shop in West Seattle?"

  • KD October 21, 2008 (5:03 pm)

    If you are looking for a quiet place, B&O espresso on Delridge, near the W.Seattle Bridge exit is good. The tables towards the back are usually open and quiet. The espresso is good too!

  • ann October 21, 2008 (5:32 pm)

    I’d say C&P. I went in at around 11am one morning with my toddler. Heads turned. I’d say that’s a good sign if you’re looking for peace and quiet :)

    Uptown has potential, but their music is always too loud.

  • cjboffoli October 21, 2008 (5:41 pm)

    I’d say that any kind of real quiet in a public place is probably impossible to find these days. As a country and a culture we are very loud people. Even libraries, once bastions of shushing, are over-run with loud adult conversations and kids who haven’t been taught the difference between an inside voice and an outside voice.

  • BobLoblaw October 21, 2008 (5:43 pm)


  • Julie October 21, 2008 (6:15 pm)

    Ah–it’s good to know someone else wants quiet, and someone else thinks the world is too noisy. Perhaps there’s hope for that shared resource that is much abused….silence.

  • cjboffoli October 21, 2008 (6:35 pm)

    Julie: I’m sure the “it’s a big city, suck it up” crowd will be along at any minute. So it is probably worth preemptively noting that the number one complaint to New York City’s 311 line (a kind of catch all-number for complaints and access to all City services) was noise.
    Seems like an investment now in companies that make hearing aids would pay off very well in the coming decades. (And as I’m typing this a boom box car is pounding its way down Oregon St. right on cue)

  • Tim October 21, 2008 (6:47 pm)

    There’s a place on the West side of California Ave, across from Hiawatha Playfield. It’s usually pretty quiet. There’s also a tiny place on the S. side of Admiral, about 2 doors east of California.

  • nunya October 21, 2008 (6:48 pm)

    Well here off Marine View drive I just hear the hum of those CFC light bulbs, the wife is reading and the traffic has stopped, very nice. Perhaps I should turn on the TV……

  • JanS October 21, 2008 (7:15 pm)

    Tim…across from Hiawatha would be Freshie’s…and on SW Admiral Way, that would be Revolution…

  • islewrite October 21, 2008 (7:47 pm)

    Uptown Espresso on Delridge, near Spokane St. Hope you have good eyesight…it’s kinda dark in there. But quiet. :-)

  • deb October 21, 2008 (8:29 pm)

    I’ve always thought of Diva Espresso (on Fauntleroy) as a nice, quiet(-ish), and comfortable place to just hang out and chill. But my idea of quiet might be skewed.

  • Luke October 21, 2008 (9:13 pm)

    Not my favorite place to go, but the Starbucks at California and Fauntleroy is pretty quiet. I’ll have to try Uptown. What about the Uptown in the junction?

  • jj October 21, 2008 (9:17 pm)

    The Bohemian is both quiet and comfortable with free wifi. The owners are very nice too. Check it out!

  • La October 21, 2008 (9:20 pm)

    KD, I’m pretty sure you mean the Uptown Espresso recommended by islewrite, and I agree with both of you: it’s pretty quiet, AND kind of dark! The baristas know their stuff. I have had nice peaceful coffee at Uptown’s California Ave location, too.

  • Suits are not boring October 21, 2008 (9:36 pm)

    Freshy’s on California by Hiawatha is great. It also recently has extende its hours until 9 and carries beer and wine. Amber also make tasty soups and sandwiches

  • lina October 21, 2008 (10:28 pm)

    i think c & p is a favorite if i am going to try and read the paper. on a rainy day though, i think everyone has that same idea and it can get loud. i have also had great paper-reading experiences in cafe rozella in white center. oh also bird on a wire just off 35th on… i think it is trenton… opposite the southwest library branch

    i will admit too that i love to go hang out at barnes and noble in westwood village and drink coffee and read the magazines…

  • howie October 21, 2008 (10:30 pm)

    I am with the poster, above, re. the boomboxes. I suppose that one day I will be shot dead, but often when I’m on Cal., where I like to hang out and have coffee, near Alaska, I’ll glare at boombox cars passing by, sometimes point at them or yell something at them. This absurd aspect of modern life makes me sometimes even just long for the quiet of the grave. I am fed up with barbarians who plague us at 100-120 decibels. We are sheep and stupid sheep at that for putting up with it.

  • chas redmond October 21, 2008 (11:09 pm)

    Quiet and coffee – simple – Original Bakery at Wildwood Place and 45th (End-o-lyne). Great coffee, great sweets and treats and great bread. Large upstairs area is multi-age friendly and can be quite quiet. So can Coffee to a Tea either in the front area or in the back – mid-morning weekdays is best for quiet at Coffee to a Tea – late morning/early afternoon is best for quiet at Original Bakery. One could easily waste an hour and five bucks on good coffee, good food and a pleasant and peaceful ambience.

  • LisaD October 22, 2008 (8:07 am)

    I’m always on the hunt for places where I can get great coffee and a space to clear my head, now that I’m working at home and have to venture out to get a change of scenery! I made the mistake of going to Cupcake Royale at 9am, because, (speaking as a mother) what ridiculous person would be feeding their kiddies cupcakes at that hour? ..boy, was I wrong :P I finally had to leave after being circled for the 20th time around my table by sugared-up toddlers.

    The Bohemian is my favorite because the coffee is awesome and you can get something other than pastries and cupcakes. C&P or Diva is also very nice, comfy and (relitavely) peaceful..

  • tnc October 22, 2008 (9:17 am)

    i recently needed peace and quiet and i have been around town drinking coffee everywhere, and the one place that instantly came to my mind is C and P… i love this place and if you dont want peace and quiet go there on the weekend, they have local bands playing…

  • pelicans October 22, 2008 (2:54 pm)

    This may not help everyone, but when I really need to chill, as long as the weather isn’t really storming, I grab a coffee at Alki Bakery/Tully’s/Starbucks on Alki. Then I head for the beach. Not the promenade by the bath house and picnic tables (although they can be very peaceful at times), but the actual beach. There are usually not many people down there other than in summer. Sitting on the sand with a book, walking listening to music (or not) or just communing with the big open space of the water and sky, with the world at your back is my idea of a pretty darn good time. If I had had kids, we’d definitely be making sand castles. (I apologize in advance for the semi-cheesy “Long Walks on the Beach” description, but this really does work.)

  • Kara October 22, 2008 (5:45 pm)

    I love Bubbles on Delridge…not Alki too many high schoolers, but I’ve found myself on my Tuesdays off heading to get the Artist Duet Bubble Tea, black tea and espresso, and get lost in a good book. Not to mention their crepes and vietnamese sandwiches are killer good!

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