Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival countdown: Giveaway #2

October 21, 2008 9:21 pm
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 |   Admiral Theater | Fun stuff to do | WS culture/arts

logolgff.jpgThis Friday and Saturday, the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (WSB sponsor) includes screenings in West Seattle, for the very first time. For the second night in a row, we’re giving away two pairs of tickets – but not exactly the same way as last night: Tonight we’re spotlighting two of the documentaries that will be shown at the Admiral, both on Saturday: “Equality U” at noon Saturday, and “The Kinsey Sicks: Almost Infamous” at 4:30 Saturday. Festival organizers tell us “Equality U” (here’s its official website) received a standing ovation from audiences in San Francisco and L.A. Its director Dave O’Brien will be at the Admiral screening on Saturday, and free tickets have been offered to West Seattle High School’s Gay/Straight Alliance student group. “Kinsey Sicks” (here’s its official website) is as much comedy as documentary – and directors Alonzo Ruvalcaba and Ken Bielenberg are expected at the Admiral showing too. OK, so now – tonight’s giveaway. Courtesy of SLGFF, each night we’re giving away two pairs of tickets – one pair per winner – to either of those documentaries. First two people to e-mail us are the winners. Use this e-mailbox: – include the name under which you want the tickets to be held at “will call” at the Admiral on the date/time of the showing you choose, as well as whether you want the tickets for “Equality U” or “Kinsey Sicks.” We’ll add an update to the end of this post as soon as tonight’s tickets have been won to let you know the giveaway is over – then, two more pairs tomorrow night. Good luck! 11:58 PM UPDATE: Tonight’s tickets have been won.

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