Junction/Triangle development: Next public update set


WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli captioned that recent photo from the Fauntleroy Place worksite as, “They put the ‘hole’ in ‘Whole Foods’.” The developers behind that project and two others are part of an all-star slate lined up by the Fairmount Community Association for a meeting to which you’re invited: Reps from BlueStar and Harbor Properties (six Triangle/Junction projects between the two) will be there; the association plans to ask them to speak specifically about the projects closest to its neighborhoods, the ones planned along SW Alaska. Also expected to attend, City Councilmembers Tom Rasmussen and Sally Clark. The Fairmount Community Association meeting is at 6:30 pm November 6th in the chapel at The Mount. Those six projects are all in various stages — for BlueStar, Fauntleroy Place is well under way, Spring Hill has finished Design Review, Gateway Center hasn’t gotten to DR yet; for Harbor, Mural is in its final months of construction, Link has finished Design Review, the motel site hasn’t gotten there yet — and this will be an excellent chance to hear what’s new, as well as the latest on new development rules (like the multifamily code proposal — aka townhouse design — Councilmember Clark helped unveil three months ago).

7 Replies to "Junction/Triangle development: Next public update set"

  • RobertSeattle October 22, 2008 (9:52 am)

    I always wonder at these dig sites if they ever let a Geologist come out and see if there is anything interesting in the dirt that’s been just sitting there since that last ice age.

  • Brandon October 22, 2008 (11:47 am)

    Are you crazy, they’d have to stop the project cold!! -g/ng-
    Sometimes it does happen that the workers find some interesting artifacts that bring in the archeologists. The staging of the pontoons for the Hood Canal bridge come to mind when tribal burial grounds were uncovered. It would be very interesting to hear what the old West Seattle settlers might have left behind (or pre-settlers).

  • RobertSeattle October 22, 2008 (12:23 pm)


    A great lark would be to sneak into the site and make an outline of a huge Dinosaur and then have WSB take a photo. :-)

  • Diane October 22, 2008 (3:06 pm)

    is there a link for Fairmount Community Association; I don’t see it listed under West Seattle Community Groups
    what is/where is The Mount?

  • miws October 22, 2008 (3:31 pm)


    “The Mount” is the Mount St Vincent nursing/care facility at the top of the hill on 35th & Edmunds just up from Alaska St.



  • WSB October 22, 2008 (3:57 pm)

    Fairmount doesn’t have a website that I know of. (Sharonn? Anyone? Please correct me if that’s not so, would love to add it to the sidebar list.) This does point out that I published this in a hurry without linking “The Mount” to its website … we pride ourselves on TONS of links in almost every post so that was just an oversight, will fix pronto, have been in and out on interviews for advance stories much of the day – TR

  • JenV October 23, 2008 (11:29 am)

    RobertSeattle- my BF works in heavy construction and they find stuff all the time when they dig. He was on a project about 15 years ago on Lake Union by Jillians, and they dug into what used to be a dump – there were all sorts of cool old glass bottles and some other random stuff.

Sorry, comment time is over.