Economic optimism, anyone?

Several people have called our attention to this new article from Smart Money magazine, so we’re sharing it — West Seattle real estate gets a sunny shoutout.

6 Replies to "Economic optimism, anyone?"

  • OP October 20, 2008 (11:08 pm)

    Tsk, tsk, Smart Money. Any true West Seattle-ite will spot one factual error and one ‘yeah, but you should see the place in summer’ perception-doesn’t-equal-reality slight error. ;-)

    But good news for sure. :-)

  • WSB October 20, 2008 (11:13 pm)

    OT but when it comes to errors the worst one in the “old media” at the moment is the Obama campaign commercial that starts with the onscreen words PRESIDENTAL (sic) DEBATE … argh. Just had to mention that since you brought up errors. Signed, crabby ex-proofreader.

  • OP October 21, 2008 (10:45 am)

    LOL. WSB, I’m an editor. I know just how you feel! I see ’em all the time.

  • transplantella October 22, 2008 (2:09 pm)

    Seattle Bubble has a less rosy review of the Smart Money article.

    Read here: issue October 22, 2008

    And here:

    I know there are plenty of houses ‘For Sale’ in my neighborhood with aged and rusting signs in the front. In fact I can’t remember a single home nearby that has removed the For Sale sign since we moved here in May.

    Personally I think west Seattle (not that I don’t like it) is wildly overpriced. I would never buy a house here. I can rent for half what it would cost to buy.

  • WSB October 22, 2008 (4:08 pm)

    Well, not to necessarily defend Smart Money as I don’t have any insight to their research, but for one, the forum post referenced on Seattle Bubble is from last year.

  • A October 23, 2008 (3:27 pm)

    There are many houses that have been sitting on the market and yes, the prices are high. BUT if they’re priced right they’ll sell. I am Alison from the Smart Money article and the house we purchased in West Seattle was only on the market for 18 days when we made our offer. The price was right and the house was perfect for our family. Our townhome, on the other hand, sat for about 3 months before we sold it. But we also listed at the worst time of the year – January 2. We had literally no activity the first month. As for rental rates – they’re high. We rented a home in West Seattle (after selling our townhouse) for only a few hundred less a month than our new mortgage. And the house we purchased is so much better! Also, one thing left out of the article in Smart Money is that we used Redfin to buy! Best decision ever!! Money back in our pockets in the end. Yea!

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