2 West Seattle schools’ holiday bazaars looking for vendors

October 27, 2008 1:25 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle schools

Both are on the WSB Holidays page (along with tons more Halloween and winter-holidays events) but in case you’ve got something to sell at events like this, wanted to mention it quickly here too: holidaypresent.jpgArbor Heights Elementary has its bazaar 4-8 pm December 4th; table charge $25, call or e-mail Amy Christensen, 206/938-2634 or amychristensen_3@hotmail.comHighland Park Elementary has its bazaar 9 am (setup) to 3 pm December 6th, table charge $10, call Christie Sjostrom at 206/252-8250. (If you have an event coming up that’s NOT already on our Holidays page, or Events page if it’s not holiday-related, please e-mail us the info!)

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