Design Review tomorrow: “Link” presentation available online now


Tomorrow night, the Southwest Design Review Board (explained here) takes a look at two more major West Seattle projects — the proposed Admiral Safeway rebuild (here’s our coverage of the community meeting last week in which Safeway unveiled what it’s hoping to do) and “Link” (shown above), Harbor Properties‘ mixed-use building at 38th/Alaska (former site of a Huling garage and West Seattle Montessori School). If you’re not familiar with the Design Review process, this is a rare chance for public input in some of the major developments proposed around the city — and we’ve seen many cases in just the past year-plus where public input made a difference. Both projects will be reviewed in the Southwest Precinct meeting room, with Safeway (officially known as 2622 California) on the agenda at 6:30 pm (first review), “Link” (officially known as 4550 38th) at 8 pm (second review). Sometimes the official presentation is available on the city’s website before the meeting, and in fact, the one for “Link” is available online now – you can get it here (note it’s a BIG file, 33 MB).

2 Replies to "Design Review tomorrow: "Link" presentation available online now"

  • add September 24, 2008 (4:15 pm)

    This looks just enormous! Wow.

  • Denny September 24, 2008 (10:33 pm)

    It’s big, but at least it’s not a square faced glassy box.
    Thank god somebody came up with a visually appealing building that doesn’t look like the Eastside is taking over West Seattle.

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