Alki Car-Free Day followup: Our questions, city answers



A couple leftover photos from Alki’s Car-Free Day, to go with answers to a few questions we asked SDOT spokesperson Rick Sheridan. First, we reported during the event that we did not see anyone ticketed or towed, so we asked him to confirm, and he replied: “No cars were ticketed or towed for the event. SDOT worked aggressively to notify residents and businesses about the parking restrictions, and it paid off with no real parking issues on Sunday.” Next question, we asked about costs — some citywide reports cited $45K as the price tag for all three Car-Free Day events — Sheridan replies: “We do not have a definitive breakdown of costs yet. If the city decides to hold similar events next year, one of the items we will explore is the feasibility of sponsors.” Speaking of next year, that was the third question we asked – how/when will it be decided if the city will do this again? Answer: “It may be a little early to determine the process for next year’s plan. Car Free Day on Alki was a great event, however, we want to evaluate the results of all three Car Free Days and determine whether Seattle should hold similar days next year.” General SDOT feedback how-to can be found here.

11 Replies to "Alki Car-Free Day followup: Our questions, city answers"

  • marty September 8, 2008 (4:58 pm)

    Afraid I have to call B.S. on the price estimate. Just the overtime pay for the police was more than that. Add on the cost of the portable toilets (why?), street signs, planning and neighborhood notification and it had to be way more than 15K. Nice idea, but we sure didn’t get much for the price. I live on Alki ave and the best part was a whole day with no cars going by with loud bass thumping…

  • WSB September 8, 2008 (5:03 pm)

    Since as mentioned those were from other reports, I don’t know where they got the number, just thought I’d mention it since it had been out there. We’ll follow up from time to time till we get something from the city on this.

  • Todd September 8, 2008 (5:17 pm)

    The bass, noise pollution, is so annoying. I wish there was something that could be done in general for this especially when one is at the beach. It really takes away from enjoying the day. I know the residents are sick of it too. I know it’s a free country, I just wish people’s freedoms like noise didn’t impeed upon such a large number.

  • Todd September 8, 2008 (5:18 pm)

    Noise pollution is utilitarianism in reverse. The good is not for the majority but the miniscule minority.

  • wdr September 8, 2008 (5:23 pm)

    Critique for next time, — Notify everyone on the

    detour route. Auto traffic in Admiral was like

    the fourth of July ( Not Car Free )!!.

  • Mike September 8, 2008 (7:36 pm)

    We came in from Beach Drive/Alki Way SW. The traffic was not bad at all and there was plenty of parking. My wife, two girls and I had a great time along with hundreds of people who were out enjoying a mellow day without having to dodge bass-thumpin, meat-mobiles.

  • Joan September 8, 2008 (9:49 pm)

    I bicycled over from WC, down Barton to Beach Dr then Alki Avenue over to Don Armeni Park and back again… VERY fun, lots of families on two wheels, walking, running, skating, trailering, boarding, and in pedal cars!

    If the weather is that sunny and warm for the next one it should be as successful.

  • Steph September 9, 2008 (3:50 pm)

    Dumb. As if Seattle doesn’t have important things that need funding. Waste of money. Don’t we all need to wake up and realize that we all end up paying for this stuff? How about fixing the viaduct & the seawall then move on to the bridges. Then work on improving the roads, which may or may not include bike lanes depending on whether or not we have MONEY for this. I feel our “leaders”, local and country, have forgetten how to BUDGET.

  • Terry September 9, 2008 (4:36 pm)

    Another example of our mayor not thinking things through. I stopped at two restaurants and they both told me that business was way down. In this short summer they told me the last thing they needed was to be punished on a sunny weekend. VOTE ACCORDINGLY.

  • John September 10, 2008 (1:02 pm)

    We’ve rented at Alki for 15 years and love to see people enjoy this wonderful park. Last Sunday was one of those “last best days of summer” and it was a shame to see that only a smattering of people were able to enjoy it due to the access restrictions. With the perfect weather we had, there normally would’ve been thousands of people enjoying the beach and making happy memories with their children.

  • SpeakLoud September 10, 2008 (6:15 pm)

    WOW-what a bunch of miserable old grippers you are. Did any of you actually go and spend time at the Alki car free day? There were hundreds-possibly thousands of people enjoying the day making wonderful memories with their children that were all the more wonderful because you didn’t need to have a mobile police unit on stand-by. There were no gang bangers, no thugs, no cruzing but families and citizens actually being able to enjoy the beach on a hot summer day. And it wasn’t as if there was NO cars-local residents had access and there was a driving lane for them and the ferry bus-
    Come on people-$15,000 wouldn’t even touch the bridge repair. Sure we could take all the money we spend on all the ‘Quality of life’ projects our city and state support for us, we could remove all the public art and never spend another penny on it-but then hey what would the Quality of Life be in Seattle if it wasn’t for funky events like Car Free Day?
    Lighten up people-ENJOY the day.

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