Two upcoming events involving folks near and dear to WSB

These events aren’t happening IN West Seattle, but they involve West Seattleites who have lent WSB a major helping hand at times when we needed it – plus, they’re interesting events in their own right – so we’re helping spread the word:

PHOTOGRAPHERS’ CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS: West Seattle lawyer Venkat Balasubramani is on a panel tackling this topic; WSB has been blessed with so many great photography contributions, we thought a few of you might be interested. Here’s more info including how to RSVP for the event.

GNOMEDEX 8.0: West Seattleite Stuart Maxwell, who provided us with technical consulting last year (including installation of software for the WSB Forums, the busiest neighborhood-news-site forums in the city), is helping coordinate Gnomedex, a tech conference next week at Bell Harbor on the downtown waterfront (a short distance away). Among the online-world luminaries who’ll be speaking, the guy behind the insanely popular Check out the conference slate and registration information here.

1 Reply to "Two upcoming events involving folks near and dear to WSB"

  • Trick August 16, 2008 (11:41 am)

    Thanks once again WSB for posting this!
    I’m signed up for the photographers forum at the Library.

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