Jail-sites fight: County exec tells cities, keep planning yours

King County Sheriff Sue Rahr may think the county should have regional responsibility for housing jail inmates (WSB was there as she made that pronouncement earlier this summer), but King County Executive Ron Sims apparently doesn’t agree: He issued a statement the other day saying “… the county does not have the ability to fund construction and operation of jail capacity for cities.” The statement came with this report, Integrated Regional Jail Initiative Phase 1, which contains more information on future projections of jail population – why the county says the cities need to step in — among other things. Next jail-related meeting: Highland Park Action Committee, 8/25; archived WSB coverage of the jail-sites issue is archived here.

1 Reply to "Jail-sites fight: County exec tells cities, keep planning yours"

  • d August 7, 2008 (11:35 am)

    How about a new intra-agency governing body being established for Regional/Metro Corrections – like Metro/transit/ferry bodies?

    Hmmm….too obvious, too naive or too optimistic? I wonder.

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