Admiral Safeway rebuild update: Community meeting promised


Followup to the new development we reported yesterday in the plan to rebuild Admiral Safeway (new store plus 34 residential units, according to the city project page): We mentioned, we had a message out to corporate HQ to ask if a rendering of the proposed project is available, and now we have a response: Not yet, says Safeway’s Sara Corn, but she promises it will be unveiled at a community meeting before the Design Review Board “early design guidance” session for the project on September 11th. As soon as Safeway sets the date for that community meeting, you’ll see it here, as well as other places including posters at the store.

5 Replies to "Admiral Safeway rebuild update: Community meeting promised"

  • Todd August 5, 2008 (7:28 pm)

    Take these meetings with a grain of salt folks.. that has been my experience anyway. Good luck with any input.

  • CB August 5, 2008 (8:28 pm)

    This grocery store is within a mile of a church and school. It must stopped before its too late.

    It’s time to form a committee to stop practical progress and infrastructure improvements. Say no to progress. Say no to sacrifice. Think of only yourself. Never consider the greater good. That’s the Seattle way!

  • Meghan August 6, 2008 (11:35 am)

    Wow, CB! You took the words right out of my mouth! I was so shocked to not see like 20 comments already against this project! (“Oh, the congestion! Oh, the traffic! Oh, the noise! Oh, the girl scouns won’t be able to sell their Xmas trees in that surface parking lot anymore!). Maybe people like you and me are getting people to think whether they’d rather have new housing and urban amenities or weed choked surface parking lots and 1 story substandard buildings from the 70’s! Good job!

  • wsblover August 6, 2008 (1:36 pm)

    Come on peeps, just bend over as a community and take what their givin’! Never you mind, just do it, we are running everything just wonderfully. There are no problems now and will be now problems in the future.

  • JH August 6, 2008 (10:15 pm)

    Anything would be better than that, shall I say, “icky” store! Too bad they couldn’t put the secret Trader Jos there instead…

    And it’s Holy Rosary that sells their Xmas trees there. You know, the very expensive ones…

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